POST: Talking About Digital Pedagogy

In a post on the Cultural Heritage Informatics Initiative site, Ashley Wiersma, CHI Fellow and doctoral candidate in history at Michigan State University, examines the digital, the pedagogical, and the location of authority. She concludes: The power of digital pedagogy lies in its innovative and disruptive nature, which urges scholars to re-examine educational structures long ...

JOBS: Digital Scholarship Librarian at Miami University Libraries

Provide consulting to faculty and graduate students in defining and implementing digital scholarship projects; investigate new and innovative ways to create, organize, and deliver online content; serve as the developer in the building, maintenance and technical support of the Miami Digital Repository; design and teach credit/non-credit courses including activities such as developing effective teaching materials, ...

CFP: Digital Humanities Forum, Return to the Material, University of Kansas

The Institute for Digital Research in the Humanities at the University of Kansas has issued a CFP for their 2013 Digital Humanities Forum: Return to the Material. From the CFP: We welcome proposals for 20-minute papers, posters or panel sessions on topics from your own research that focus on the relationship between the digital and ...

RESOURCE: Up and Running with

Looking to explore Omeka? Miriam Posner, coordinator of the UCLA Digital Humanities program, recently published a pair of posts, drawing on her experience teaching an introductory Omeka Workshop at THATCamp Feminisms West. In the first post, Posner sets up an account, adds items, and forms collections; in the second, she creates a digital exhibit. Omeka is a ...

RESOURCE: Medievalists and the Scholarly Digital Edition

The freshly-released Volume 34 of Scholarly Editing: The Annual of the Association for Documentary Editing includes Dot Porter’s essay, “Medievalists and the Scholarly Digital Edition.” Porter, the soon-to-be Curator of Digital Research Services at the Schoenberg Institute for Manuscript Studies at the University of Pennsylvania, considers medievalists’ use of digital resources, opening with a brief ...

PROJECT: Postcolonial Digital Humanities

Adeline Koh, a visiting faculty fellow at Duke and assistant professor of literature at Richard Stockton College, and Roopika Risam, a PhD candidate at Emory, have launched a new site dedicated to “Global explorations of race, class, gender, sexuality and disability within cultures of technology.” The site includes Founding Principles (including alt genealogies of DH), a ...

RESOURCE: Austin College Digital Humanities Colloquium Wrap-up

In February, Austin College hosted a Digital Humanities Colloquium as part of a 2012-13 Mellon Foundation planning grant. Matthew Windsor (Visiting Librarian at Hendrix College) has shared a recap on Eduhacker highlighting the key points of each session along with links to projects, tools, and

POST: Why South By Southwest is Important for Libraries, Archives and Museums

What does South By Southwest (SXSW) have to offer practitioners engaged with libraries and the digital humanities? A recent post by Butch Lazorchak on The Signal (the digital preservation blog from the Library of Congress) argues: “A lot.” Pointing to the growing presence of libraries, archives, and museums (LAMs) at the 26th annual SXSW conference, Lazorchak ...

CFP: What is Diplomatics in the Digital Environment?

The organizers of Digital Diplomatics 2013 have issued a call for papers for the conference taking place at the Archives Nationales de France, November 14-16, 2013. Following the two conferences on Digital Diplomatics that took place in 2007 in Munich and 2011 in Naples, this conference has the goal to further the scholarly reflection on the way ...

POST: Size Matters

Academic librarians teach information literacy, visual literacy, digital literacy — but do we teach spatial literacy? This post from Kelly Johnston (GIS Specialist for the Scholars’ Lab, University of Virginia) explores the value of spatial thinking, linking out to a variety of intriguing resources and research, and introduces the GeoTron 5000 tool, an app developed “to ...

JOBS: Fellowships in Data Curation for Medieval Studies

The CLIR/DLF Postdoctoral Fellowship in Data Curation for Medieval Studies is an expansion of the CLIR Postdoctoral Fellowship Program in Academic Libraries. These five, fully-funded fellowships will provide recent Ph.D.s with professional development, education, and training opportunities in data curation for Medieval Studies. Through this program, CLIR seeks to raise awareness and build capacity for ...