TEI and Libraries: New Avenues for Digital Literacy?

In this post, Harriett Green looks at how libraries can use TEI to advance digital literacy. For further reading, the author has also provided a list of recommended resources. A prominent theme of the TEI 2012 Annual Members Meeting and Conference was how to make TEI an even more viable tool for scholarly discourse and ...

POST: When is Open Source Software the Right Choice for Cultural Heritage Organizations?

POST: When is Open Source Software the Right Choice for Cultural Heritage Organizations? An Interview with Peter Murray An interview by Trevor Owens of the Library of Congress with Peter Murray of LYRSASIS on FOSS4Lib. The two discuss how libraries can decide whether open source software the right solution, different types of open source software ...

CFParticipation: Global Outlook::Digital Humanities

CFParticipation: Global Outlook::Digital Humanities Global Outlook::Digital Humanities is the first Special Interest Group of the Alliance of Digital Humanities Organizations (ADHO). GO::DH seeks to address barriers that hinder communication and collaboration among researchers and students of the digital arts, humanities, and cultural heritage sectors across and between high, mid, and low income economies. The core ...

Digital Humanities & Cultural Heritage, or, The Opposite of Argumentation

Back in August, Miriam Posner’s post “What are some challenges to doing DH in the library?” initiated a wide-ranging conversation in the blogosphere examining the relationship between DH and libraries. As the dh+lib blog gets a’rolling, it seems useful both to revisit Miriam’s post, but also remind ourselves of the potential DH holds to enable ...

Debates in the Digital Humanities

RESOURCE: Debates in the Digital Humanities The open access version of the well-received book, Debates in the Digital Humanities, edited by Matthew K. Gold, Director of the CUNY Academic Commons. Features essays by DH scholars and practitioners in an innovative online platform on a variety of current conversations in the field. The website also announces ...

Evaluating DH Work: Guidelines for Librarians

In this post, Zach Coble explores the benefits of creating guidelines for the evaluation of librarians’ digital humanities work for the purposes of hiring, appointment, tenure, and promotion, and offers a basic framework for what those guidelines might look like. This post was published in the Journal of Digital Humanities, volume 1, issue 4. Digital ...

Assessment and Evaluation of Digital Humanities Work

CALL FOR PARTICIPATION! DHNow has issued a call for writing on the assessment and evaluation of DH work. As indicated in the call, they are aiming both to expand their Zotero collection of existing publications, policies, and statements, and to provoke the publication of new work in this area. A selection of the latter will ...

Do You TEI? A Survey of Text Encoding Practices in Libraries

CALL FOR PARTICIPATION! If you work in a library and have any experience with text encoding projects, from web development to project management, please consider participating in a new survey, available here. Completing the survey should take no more than 30 minutes, and will help academic libraries develop strategic initiatives based on current practice. From the ...

Responses to our dh+lib survey: digest version

In March 2012, a conversation bubbled up on the newly-created ACRL Digital Humanities discussion group (DH DG) listserv about the need for a blog or online resource for those of us “big tent” information professionals– librarians, archivists, curators, and students–engaged with digital humanities. When the group assembled at the June 2012 ALA Annual conference in Anaheim ...