Subscribe to the dh+lib Review Mailing List

Alongside our recent expansion of the dh+lib Review Editorial Team and some technical improvements to, the dh+lib team will be retiring the WordPress plugin-operated mailing list we previously used to distribute the biweekly Review to readers’ inboxes. What this means: please take a moment to (re)subscribe to receive the dh+lib Review! Even if you ...


The Association for Computers and the Humanities (ACH) is holding two Town Hall meetings to  “discuss recent events affecting Digital Humanities” that are “designed to hear your experiences regarding how the recent government actions are affecting your ability to pursue digital humanities, and the steps that ACH can take to support you and your communities.” ...

POST: Assessing Preservability in New Forms of Scholarship

A recent guest post on the H-Net Book Channel titled “Assessing Preservability in New Forms of Scholarship” shares some outcomes of the Embedding Preservability project, the second project led by NYU Libraries to address preservation risks for complex digital publications. The authors note that this Mellon-funded project had two broad goals: “The first goal was ...

POST: Vanishing Culture: Punch Card Knitting

In this guest blog post on the Internet Archive by Nichole Misako Nomura (Stanford University), the author shares a brief history of the computational translations of knitting punch cards, starting with how they became proto-versions of code and taking us through the ins and outs of a digitization and preservation workflow. This blog post is ...

POST: How to Lead an Academic Social Network

This open-access article in Public Humanities gives a brief history of’s inception and growth, with the values of sharing knowledge in a free, open, and ethically minded group of scholars. Cathy N. Davidson (CUNY Graduate Center), the co-founder of HASTAC, writes lessons she learned in the creation and growth of this community of scholars, ...

EVENT: Digital Treatment of African Cultural Heritage

On Monday, March 24, 2025, at 11:00am Eastern Time, Chijioke Okorie (University of Pretoria) will present a talk titled “Digital Treatment of African Cultural Heritage: Shifting Landmarks and Implications for Copyright Exceptions for Archives.” Registration required: RSVP here. From the event advertisement: This talk examines how copyright law must adapt to facilitate digital treatment of ...

EVENT: AI in Art Panel Discussion

On Friday, March 28, 2025, at 3 p.m., Towson University’s Albert S. Cook Library will host a Panel Discussion on AI and the Arts. From the event website: Panelists will discuss the importance of AI in their work as well as the challenges and opportunities it presents, including information on how research universities can respond ...

CFP: DLF Forum 2025

The Digital Library Federation has opened its call for proposals for this year’s annual Forum in Denver Colorado. Proposals can include topics encompassing digital libraries, including: case studies, ‘fail and learn’ opportunities, practical application, methods, projects, ethics, research, and learning in any area, including, but not limited to: Digital humanities Digital scholarship Digital pedagogy Digital ...

CFP: Minimalist Digital Humanities Pedagogy, JITP Themed Issue

The Journal of Interactive Technology and Pedagogy invites submissions for an upcoming themed issue on Minimalist Digital Humanities Pedagogy. Issue editors Patricia Belen (Fordham University), Stefano Morello (The Graduate Center, CUNY), Gregory Palermo (Emory University), Danica Savonick (SUNY Cortland), and Brandon Walsh (University of Virginia) pose the following questions to potential contributors: What does it ...

CFP: Institute for Liberal Arts Digital Scholarship (ILiADS) 2025

The Institute for Liberal Arts Digital Scholarship (ILiADS) Steering Committee welcomes proposals from collaborative project teams to attend the week-long ILiADS Institute, hosted June 22-27, 2025, by Bryn Mawr College in Bryn Mawr, Pennsylvania. From the call: ILiADS offers a week-long intensive environment for collaborative project teams composed of some mix of researchers, librarians, technologists, ...

CFP: LACUNY Institute 2025

The Library Association of the City University of New York (LACUNY) invites proposals for the LACUNY Institute 2025 conference, scheduled for Wednesday, May 21, 2025. The conference theme is The Persistent Record: Preserving Knowledge in an Uncertain World, exploring such issues as “the preservation of politicized data, intellectual freedom, censorship, and how information professionals can ...