JOBS: Digital Humanities and Web Services Librarian, University of Delaware

DEADLINE: March 31, 2013 Description: Reporting to the Head, Library Information Technology User Support Department, the primary responsibility of this position is to support digital humanities initiatives at the University of Delaware. The position is also responsible for expanding web access to the Library’s digital collections and coordinating the Library’s web presence.

CFP: Responding to JLA’s DH in Libraries– Deadline Extended

dh+lib has received some excellent proposals in response to our call to address the recent Journal of Library Administration special issue dedicated to DH and Libraries. By request, we’ve extended the deadline to allow submissions through Friday, March 15, 2013. We’re looking for: 500-1500 word posts, to be featured on dh+lib, responding to the overall issue ...

RESOURCE: Women’s Studies, Gender Studies and DH

There’s been some great activity around women’s studies and gender studies in DH in the past week. On Wednesday, Jacqueline Wernimont, Assistant Professor of English at Scripps College, hosted a NITLE online seminar on the topic (slides and Storify available), and provided a follow-up on some of the ideas raised during the conversation. The seminar ...

CFParticipation: THATCamp ACRL 2013

It’s a THATCamp at ACRL – need we say more? Ok, a few words – THATCamps are informal, collaborative, productive, and spontaneous. This particular one will be held on Friday, April 12 from 8am-5pm, which is during ACRL – i.e. not a preconference. This is an excellent way to get involved in the dh+lib community, ...

JOBS: SAH Archipedia Interns/Research Assistants

Society of Architectural Historians (SAH) Archipedia seeks Research Assistants to work with the Editor during the spring of 2013 to review machine-generated semantic tags dealing with period and style, materials, and building types and divisions. Candidates should possess knowledge of the history of architecture and urbanism in the United States and have an interest in ...

JOBS: Program Director, Academic Preservation Trust

The Academic Preservation Trust (APTrust) [] is an innovative consortium committed to creation and management of a sustainable environment for digital preservation and aggregate repository services for academic and research content. Community collaboration is central to APTrust’s operating philosophy. The Program Director will work closely with the APTrust Advisory Group to lead its evolving, ambitious vision ...

RESOURCE: Stately: A Simple Map Font

Looking for an easy way to use maps in your web project? Check out Stately, a simple way to make state-level choropleth maps of the United States using HTML and CSS. Ben Markowitz of Intridea developed this symbol font, wherein each state functions as a glyph within the font. Use HTML list items for states ...

POST: The Digital Data Backbone for the Study of Historical Places

In preparation for their March 10 SXSW Interactive session, Why Digital Maps Can Reboot Cultural History, Butch Lazorchak (Digital Archivist, Library of Congress) and Matthew Knutzen (Geospatial Libarian, NYPL) discuss digital geospatial tools, using maps to tell stories, and digital stewardship and preservation issues in mapping projects. Knutzen goes step-by-step through the NEH-funded New York City ...

POST: Emerging Careers in Librarianship: Digital Humanities Librarian

Hack Library School takes a look at the Digital Humanities Librarian as part of their Emerging Careers in Librarianship series. In a post by Amy Frazier, Lindsay Skay Whitacre, Assistant Digital Collections Librarian at Boston College, shares her experience on how she came to DH, what skills she needs to do DH as a librarian, and ...

CFP: Responding to JLA’s DH in Libraries

The editors of dh+lib would like to invite submissions in response to the recent special issue of the Journal of Library Administration. As noted earlier on dh+lib, JLA devoted its first issue of 2013 to DH in libraries. Digital Humanities in Libraries: New Models for Scholarly Engagement features six articles that address both the theoretical ...


The White House, responding to a We the People petition from May 2012, announced Friday that federal agencies with more than $100 million in research will make federally funded research and data sets freely available to the public within 12 months of publication. The Fair Access to Science and Technology Research Act (FASTR), which contains ...