RESOURCE: Copyright Catalogs in the Internet Archive

The U.S. Copyright Office has added to the Interent Archive seven volumes of Catalogs of Copyright Entries (CCE), which were published by the Copyright Office from July 1891 through December 1977. The CCE volumes contain data on copyright registration, and are a useful tool for tracking down copyright owners. Although the current collection is simply ...

POST: Electronic Literature as Cultural Heritage (Confessions of an Incunk)

Matt Kirschenbaum (Maryland Institute for Technology in the Humanities) shares the text from his talk at the Library of Congress’s Electronic Literature Showcase. In the talk, Kirschenbaum self-identifies as an Incunk, or “one who has assumed archival and curatorial stewardship over… electronic literature collections.” He discusses the issues at stake when “electronic literature passes from ...

RESOURCE: US Faculty Survey 2012

Where do you start your research? How important is digital research and methodologies to your current research? How do you prefer to share your research? These are some of the questions asked of U.S. faculty in Ithaka S+R’s Faculty Survey 2012. Published every three years since 2000, the survey aims to “provide colleges and universities, ...

RECOMMENDED: A Matter of Scale

Matthew L. Jockers and Julia Flanders have published the script and slides from their keynote address, “A Matter of Scale,” at the recent Boston-Area Days of DH 2013. Jockers describes how he and Flanders, tasked with staging “a debate on the matter of “scale” in digital humanities research” for their keynote, quickly found themselves on the ...

POST: Patchwork Libraries

In a new post on his Sapping Attention blog, Ben Schmidt offers a visualization of the library sources of books included in Bookworm. Bookworm, a project that “explores new means of library data visualization,” takes books and metadata included in the Internet Archive’s Open Library as its source material. The visualization, beyond drawing attention to the number of books contributed ...

POST: Irreconcilable differences? Name authority control & humanities scholarship

A jointly-written post from OCLC Research describes an area of potential overlap for librarians and humanities scholars: names. Writing on hanging together, Karen Smith-Yoshimura, OCLC Research program officer, and David Michelson, Assistant Professor of early Christianity at Vanderbilt and director of The Syriac Reference Portal, describe a collaboration between OCLC Research and Syriac studies scholars to ...

RESOURCE: Nature, The Future of Publishing

Nature has dedicated a special issue of its weekly publication to exploring The Future of Publishing. The issue looks at OA publication models and arguments, features a Q&A with Robert Darnton, and highlights the role of libraries and information sciences in two articles: Richard Monastersky’s news feature, “Publishing frontiers: The library reboot,” considers the role of ...

RESOURCE: Open Monograph Press 1.0

The Public Knowledge Project has announced the release of Open Monograph Press in 1.0. OMP is a free, open-source platform: “for managing the editorial workflow required to see monographs, edited volumes, and scholarly editions through internal and external review, editing, cataloguing, production, and publication.” In developing OMP as a new module, PKP has also provided ...

OPPORTUNITIES: Alliance of Digital Humanities Organizations Publications Liaison

The ADHO invites applications for Publications Liaison, “a volunteer position to help increase the visibility of the association’s journals and other publications.” This would be a great opportunity for a librarian to get involved in a DH project. From the position description: ADHO publications are primarily owned by its constituent organizations; these publications include: LLC. ...

RESOURCE: Starting and Sustaining DH Centers

This past week, centerNet announced a new initiative around starting and sustaining DH Centers. A resources page, featuring “talks, articles, sample DH proposals, and other sources of information about ways to start and sustain DH centers,” has been added to the centerNet website. Additionally, a new centerNet listserv has been launched around the topic: DHCenterStartUp. ...


Is it a book? A website? Scalar, developed by the Alliance for Networking Visual Culture, was just openly released in beta, with access via the Scalar servers. The platform aims to provide a platform for multimodal scholarship, liberating authors from linear structures and plugin-heavy platforms to enable “long-form, born-digital scholarship online.” This free, user-friendly, open-source platform features an RDF ...