JOB: Manager, Digital Scholarly Communication, Australian National University

From the position description: The Manager, Digital Scholarly Communication is responsible for the ANU Digital Collections facility which provides a range of services to assist academic staff and postgraduate researchers to manage the dissemination of their research output (including publications, theses and conference papers) particularly through deposit in the open access repository. The position also ...

CFP: Global Women Wikipedia Write-In

On ProfHacker, Adeline Koh issues a call for participation this Friday, April 26, 1-3PM EST, in the Global Women Wikipedia Write-In. From the call: Ever been disappointed by the level of Wikipedia coverage on the world outside of Europe and the United States? Consider joining in this Friday in the Global Women Wikipedia Write-in (#GWWI), ...

RESOURCE: Keeping Up With…Digital Humanities

The Association of College and Research Libraries (ACRL) has launched a new online publication called Keeping Up With…, appearing monthly and designed to introduce timely topics to academic librarians. The inaugural issue features Digital Humanities, and is filled with links to resources, tools,  and opportunities for self-learning. Written by Jennifer L. Adams and Kevin B. Gunn (both ...

RESOURCE: Group and Method: Collaboration in the Digital Humanities

Last week dh+lib featured a post from Caro Pinto that explored collaboration in the digital humanities in the context of librarian-faculty relationships. Now, Lisa Spiro has made available a PDF of the slides from a recent talk given at Case Western Reserve University’s Freedman Center Colloquium on “Exploring Collaboration in Digital Scholarship.” As she explains ...

POST: Digital Humanities and Digital Preservation

Leslie Johnston (Library of Congress) has written a post reflecting on digital preservation of digital humanities projects that serves as a nice overview of some of the issues involved, and calls for greater consideration of sustainability issues. While one would like to focus on pure scholarship — discovering new sources, intuiting new interpretations, writing and ...

CFP: Archive Journal: “Publishing the Archive”

Archive Journal, an open access and peer-reviewed online journal, has issued a call for projects and essay proposals for its fourth issue under the theme, “Publishing the Archive.” This issue is guest edited by Anvil Academic, “a scholarly publisher of born-digital and born-again-digital research in the humanities.” We invite proposals that investigate the possibilities and ...

RECOMMENDED: The Digital Humanities Contribution to Topic Modeling

Elijah Meeks and Scott Weingart are guest editors for the latest edition of Journal of Digital Humanities, which is devoted entirely to topic modeling (Vol. 2, No. 1 Winter 2012). Topic modeling is a method of textual analysis that has gained popularity in the humanities in the last few years. It uses computer algorithms to ...

We’re Looking for dh+lib review Editors-at-Large for Summer

The dh+lib review, a volunteer-driven service for highlighting and sharing the best of digital humanities and libraries, is looking for editors-at-large for the summer. We had a strong response for the spring semester and have featured a lot of great content, and we are looking to carry the momentum into the summer. Sign up for ...

Digital Humanities is a Team Sport: Thoughts on #DHTNG

In this post, Caro Pinto, Critical Social Inquiry Librarian at Hampshire College, reflects on the March 2013 DH: The Next Generation meeting and the role of teamwork and relationships in DH projects. If digital humanities is a collaborative venture, a team sport, then community building and networking opportunities are essential. In New England, there is ...

JOB: BitCurator Community Lead at MITH

From the position description: The Community Lead will be responsible for representing the BitCurator project in public contexts; conducting site visits to work with the partner institutions represented on our Professional Experts Panel and Development Advisory Group; promoting BitCurator through social media, online community-building, and at conferences; gathering and analyzing user feedback in conjunction with ...


The New York Public Library was busy last week. In addition to announcing support for the DPLA, NYPL also released its Digital Collections API (Application Programming Interface), which allows users to submit large (and small) queries against the metadata for NYPL’s online collections. The API exposes the metadata, distributed under a CC0 license, for over ...