CFP: Responding to JLA’s DH in Libraries

19 Take Aim by Flickr user stargardener

The editors of dh+lib would like to invite submissions in response to the recent special issue of the Journal of Library Administration.

As noted earlier on dh+lib, JLA devoted its first issue of 2013 to DH in libraries. Digital Humanities in Libraries: New Models for Scholarly Engagement features six articles that address both the theoretical and practical aspects of how libraries and librarians can engage in DH work. Micah Vandegrift, Scholarly Communications Librarian at Florida State University and a co-author of one of the issue’s articles, has assembled links to the open access versions of the articles.

The issue was guest edited by Barbara Rockenbach, Director of the Humanities and History Libraries at Columbia University, and featured contributions from Chris Alen Sula (“Digital Humanities and Libraries: A Conceptual Model”), Jennifer Vinopal and Monica McCormick (“Supporting Digital Scholarship in Research Libraries: Scalability and Sustainability”), Miriam Posner (“No Half Measures: Overcoming Common Challenges to Doing Digital Humanities in the Library”), Bethany Nowviskie (“Skunks in the Library: A Path to Production for Scholarly R&D”), Micah Vandegrift and Steward Varner (“Evolving in Common: Creating Mutually Supportive Relationships Between Libraries and the Digital Humanities”), and Ben Vershbow (“NYPL Labs: Hacking the Library”).

As Rockenbach writes:

The authors of these articles come from a range of institutions, medium to large public research universities, large private research institutions and a public library. This diversity of voices illustrates the varied landscape of DH in libraries and the great number of opportunities for supporting this emerging trend in scholarship. The collection moves from the theoretical to the practical.

This special issue is an important addition to the conversation about DH and libraries that we hope to develop here at dh+lib. To that end, we are issuing a CFP for:

  • 500-1500 word posts, to be featured on dh+lib, responding to the overall issue or particular articles or themes;
  • proposals to engage the dh+lib community in conversation in response to the issue, in a form or forum of your choosing (moderated Twitter chat, blog roundtable with appointed participants, etc).

Please submit a one-paragraph pitch to Deadline for proposals is March 11, 2013. Accepted submissions will be included in a special series to be published in April.


UPDATE: Deadline has been extended to Friday, March 15, 2013; publication date has been pushed back to May/June.


Author: Roxanne Shirazi

Roxanne is the Dissertation Research Librarian at the Graduate Center, CUNY.

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