
ISSN 2380-1255 (online)

+ John Russell

dh+lib Review Editors
+ Claudia Berger
+ Caitlin Christian-Lamb
+ Nickoal Eichmann-Kalwara
+ Linsey Ford
+ Pamella Lach
+ Hillary Richardson
+ Rachel Starry

Emeritus Editors
+ Sarah Melton
+ Patrick Williams
+ Ian Goodale
+ Josh Honn
+ Jason Mickel
+ Thomas Padilla
+ Caro Pinto

dh+lib Founding Co-editors
+ Sarah Potvin (Editor-in-Chief, 2012–2018)
+ Roxanne Shirazi (Editor-in-Chief, 2012–2018)

dh+lib Review Founding Editor
+ Zach Coble (Editor-in-Chief, 2012–2017)

This website grew out of stirrings on the ACRL Digital Humanities Discussion Group (DHDG) listserv and a desire to create a more public venue for discussion. It aims to provide a communal space where librarians, archivists, LIS graduate students, and information specialists of all stripes can contribute to a conversation about digital humanities and libraries.

The site was soft-launched during the Digital Library Federation forum meeting in November 2012, after we surveyed the community about what they might like included. Roxanne Shirazi and Sarah Potvin were the founding editors of the site, supported in the endeavor by Angela Courtney and Kate Brooks, who chaired the discussion group, as well as by contributors and advisors on the DHDG listserv.

In January 2013, we launched the dh+lib Review, a weekly roundup of recommended readings, resources, posts, calls for papers/participation, jobs, and other items of potential interest to dh+lib readers. The Review relies on an aggregator function, built by Zach Coble, with expert and generous input from DHNow. Community members volunteer for weekly shifts as Editors-at-Large, culling through the content flowing through the aggregator and nominating items. Editors for the week then select from this nominated content, write up short posts contextualizing it, and publish these pieces on dh+lib. Thursday is press day for dh+lib Review pieces.

Original content—longer pieces written expressly for dh+lib—is typically posted on Wednesdays, though we alter that schedule to accommodate hot-off-the-presses items. Those interested in contributing in any way can sign up to do so. We are always happy to have you pitch stories to us directly over email (or by cornering us at conferences or workshops).

Follow us on Twitter @DHandLib
Follow us on Mastodon @dhandlib@hcommons.social

Email us dhandlib.acrl@gmail.com