EVENT: Copyright Camp, University of Michigan

The University of Michigan Library will be hosting a Copyright Camp 2013, on the afternoon of June 20, with a theme of Copyright and Data. Registration is free. From the announcement: We’ll kick off with a keynote from Michael Carroll, Professor of Law and Director of the Program on Information Justice and Intellectual Property at ...

CFP: DĂ­aHD (DĂ­a de Humanidades Digitales)

Call for participation for DĂ­a de Humanidades Digitales, taking place on June 10. Like Day of DH, DĂ­aHD seeks to document what digital humanists do in the course of a day, with the additional aim of identifying and publicizing the work of digital humanists “from Portuguese and Spanish speaking countries or researchers from other parts ...

OPPORTUNITY: Editorial Recruitment, Open Library of the Humanities

The Open Library of the Humanities is seeking editors for its disciplinary fields. As described by its cofounder Martin Eve in a piece in the Guardian’s Higher Education Network blog in March, the Open Library of the Humanities seeks “to offer a low-APC (academic publishing costs) or APC-free solution for rigorously reviewed, digitally preserved work across ...

JOB: Mellon Digital Scholar, Five Colleges of Ohio

From the position description: The Digital Scholar will support the Ohio Five Libraries’ transition to digital scholarship and continue the process of integrating digital collections into the curriculum and faculty research agendas. … We seek applicants who will bring both a demonstrated effectiveness in a training or teaching environment and a sophisticated understanding of digital projects, ...

RECOMMENDED: Digital Public Library of America

April 18, 2013, marked the launch of the Digital Public Library of America. Writing in the New York Review of Books, Robert Darnton, Harvard’s University Librarian and a DPLA founder, marked the occasion with an exclamation point–“The National Digital Public Library Is Launched!“– and framed the project as representative of “the confluence of two currents ...


The program for Digital Humanities 2013, the annual international conference of the Alliance of Digital Humanities Organizations, is live, with listings for tutorials, workshops, keynotes, short papers, long papers, and panels. Forthcoming are links to individual abstracts and poster listings. Held this summer, July 16-19, in Lincoln, Nebraska, the conference features keynote speakers David S. ...

RESOURCE: Media Studies and DH

How does media studies inform DH– and vice versa? MediaCommons is currently hosting a series on “the differentiations and intersections of media studies and the digital humanities.” Twenty “digital humanists and media scholars” have been invited to comment on “the intersections of these two disciplines, how they use them, and how these intersections expand and/or complicate these ...

POST: The Limitations of GitHub for Writers

On ProfHacker, Konrad Lawson reports on the limitations of GitHub for writers, the last in a series of posts introducing and reviewing GitHub (with a posting on alternatives to GitHub in the works). He writes: GitHub, in its current form, can serve the needs of writers and scholars, just as it currently serves programmers, and ...

CFP: Workshop on Big Humanities

A call for papers has been issued for the Workshop on Big Humanities, held in conjunction with the 2013 IEEE International Conference on Big Data, October 6-9, 2013, in Santa Clara, CA. From the CFP: The workshop will address applications of “big data” in the humanities, arts and culture, and the challenges and possibilities that such ...

JOB: Director of Scholarly Communication and Digital Initiatives, American Historical Association

From the position description:  The Director of Scholarly Communication and Digital Initiatives will oversee the AHA’s communications with members and other constituencies.  This includes print and digital publishing, web design, information management, and membership – all part of a strategy to enable the American Historical Association’s programs and activities to take maximum advantage of the ...

PROJECT: Museums and the Web

The 17th annual Museums and the Web, an “annual conference featuring advanced research and exemplary applications of digital practice for cultural, natural and scientific heritage,” was held in Portland, Oregon, April 17-20, 2013. The winners of the MW2013 Best of the Web contest are posted, and feature an excellent selection of sites and applications that make use ...