POST: The CODATA Mission: Preserving Scientific Data for the Future

At Spellbound Blog, Jeanne Kramer-Smith has posted on a session from The Memory of the World in the Digital Age: Digitization and Preservation conference, sponsored by UNESCO in cooperation with the University of British Columbia and held in September 2012 in Vancouver. Untangling the acronyms, Kramer-Smith identifies the Committee on Data for Science and Technology (CODATA) ...

PROJECT: Collaborative transcription at the University of Nebraska-Lincoln

The University of Nebraska-Lincoln has unveiled the first project in its effort to transcribe digitized documents through crowd-sourcing. UNL “alumni, students, and friends” are invited to volunteer to transcribe the collection of UNL’s historical Cornhusker yearbooks. The transcription project arose through a collaboration between the Archives & Special Collections, the Center for Digital Research in the Humanities (CDRH), ...

RESOURCE: code4lib 2013 Conference

code4lib’s 2013 conference, held February 12-14 at the University of Illinois at Chicago, included sessions dedicated to open source projects, crowd transcription, metadata, HathiTrust relevance ranking, REST APIs, born digital special collections, and many other topics of interest to dh+lib readers. While event organizers finalize the transfer and load of video files from the event, the ...

JOBS: ACLS Public Fellows

Sarah PotvinSarah works as the Digital Scholarship Librarian in the Office of Scholarly Communications, Texas A&M University Libraries.Web | Twitter | More Posts

RESOURCE: Boston-Area Digital Humanities Consortium website

The Boston DH Consortium, formed in August 2012 “to pursue shared funding opportunities; organize a series of events; network with digital humanities centers, organizations, and societies worldwide; and encourage local discussion of digital humanities and related topics,” has launched a new site. The Consortium describes itself as: “an information association of educational and cultural institutions ...

RESOURCE: The Lib Pub blog

Lib Pub, a new group blog on library publishing, launched in January 2013. As blog founder Melanie Schlosser, the Digital Publishing Librarian at Ohio State University Libraries, writes in an introductory post: “Publishing efforts in libraries are becoming more and more common, but there aren’t yet a lot of venues for those involved to come ...

RESOURCE: MLA Commons, The Early Modern Digital Collaboratory

A new public group, EMDC: The Early Modern Digital Collaboratory, has launched on MLA Commons. Billed as “a venue for digital humanists studying early modern texts and culture (roughly 1450-1700), principally in the English language,” the EMDC “fulfills an idea that circulated at MLA 2013: what if early modernists using digital humanities tools and methods ...

Assessment and Evaluation of Digital Humanities Work

CALL FOR PARTICIPATION! DHNow has issued a call for writing on the assessment and evaluation of DH work. As indicated in the call, they are aiming both to expand their Zotero collection of existing publications, policies, and statements, and to provoke the publication of new work in this area. A selection of the latter will ...

Responses to our dh+lib survey: digest version

In March 2012, a conversation bubbled up on the newly-created ACRL Digital Humanities discussion group (DH DG) listserv about the need for a blog or online resource for those of us “big tent” information professionals– librarians, archivists, curators, and students–engaged with digital humanities. When the group assembled at the June 2012 ALA Annual conference in Anaheim ...