POST: Open Access Publishing and Geo-Spatial Tools for (Music) Research

Anna Kijas (University of Connecticut) has posted the text and slides from her Digital Frontiers 2014 talk, “Open Access Publishing and Geo-Spatial Tools for (Music Research).” Kijas discusses her process for selecting a platform to document and disseminate her research on the Venezuelan pianist and composer Teresa Carreño, as her “goal evolved from simply publishing a print book ...

RESOURCE: Wayfinding at the Opening of an Era: Digital Scholarship, Data, and ETDs

In her keynote to the 2014 United States Electronic Thesis and Dissertation Association (USETDA) conference, held in Orlando, FL, at the end of September, Laurie N. Taylor (University of Florida) discussed the evolution of theses and dissertations to incorporate new forms, processes, and products of research, enabled by digital scholarship and pursued with the goal ...

POST: Humanities Savior Narrative (The First Draft)

Glen Worthey joins The First Draft podcast hosts Elijah Meeks, Jason Heppler, and Paul Zenke (all of Stanford University) for an episode entitled “Humanities Savior Narrative.” Their lively, wide-ranging conversation touches on the recent Digital Humanities 2014 conference (including discussion of keynotes, #dhsheep, and multilinguality), the “big tent,”  the question of whether DH will save or become synonymous with ...

RECOMMENDED: Wrapping Up DH2014, Lausanne (Part 2)

In the eleven days since the end of the international Digital Humanities conference in Lausanne, Switzerland, participants have been posting wrap-up reports, slides, and posters. We highlighted the first batch in last week’s Part 1. Further reports that have caught our attention in the intervening days: DH2014 was a jam-packed conference, with more than two ...

RESOURCE: 4R-Digitization

4R-Digitization has launched. By relying on VC funding to scaffold a post-digital infrastructure, the project aims to model public-private partnerships in DH. From the announcement: Notable projects in DH have focused on transcription, with efforts aimed at improving Optical Character Recognition (OCR) through machine learning or employing crowdsourcing techniques to transcribe texts. Emphasizing the transformation of ...

CFP: New ADHO Special Interest Group dedicated to Libraries and DH

As has previously been reported in dh+lib review, the Alliance of Digital Humanities Organizations (ADHO) issued a call for proposals for Special Interest Groups (SIGs), through which “those with similar professional specialties, interests, and aptitudes can exchange ideas, stay current, and mobilize to pursue common goals across the boundaries of ADHO’s individual Constituent Organizations.” During ADHO’s ...

dh+lib meetup at #DH2013

Attending the Digital Humanities 2013 conference and interested in GLAM issues? Join dh+lib for an informal gathering on Thursday, July 18, 7:30-9pm, at Yia Yia’s. Yia Yia’s: 1423 O Street View Larger Map Those attending DH2013 may be interested in checking out several events sponsored by the Association for Computers and the Humanities, including their Annual General ...

POST: Cultivating Partnerships in the Digital Humanities

In a column in the Chronicle of Higher Education, William Pannpacker argues for the shared value of DH collaborations between teaching-focused liberal arts institutions and research-focused universities. Emblematic of these “multi-institutional partnerships” is the Praxis Network, “developed as a partnership to share information about efforts to reboot graduate education and prepare Ph.D.’s for a range ...

JOB: Executive Director of Digital Scholarship Services, Rice University

From the posting: The Executive Director of Digital Scholarship Services (DSS) is part of Fondren Library’s executive team, responsible for the oversight and management of scholarly communications, the institutional repository, the Digital Media Commons, the Kelley Center for Government Information & Microforms, and the GIS/Data Center. The Executive Director of DSS will work with faculty ...

POST: Weekend Reading: The DH Summer Edition

Over on the ProfHacker blog, Adeline Koh, Director of the Digital Humanities Center at Richard Stockton College, lines up weekend readings that “focus on some interesting developments in race, ethnicity and literary studies within the digital humanities, social media, and some literary inspiration for beginning your new summer project.” Links include a summary of last week’s #DHPoco ...

PROJECT: Current Happenings in Digital Humanities

What’s new in Digital Humanities? Matthew Kirschenbaum tasked his undergraduate English class (ENGL668K) at the University of Maryland with a critical curation assignment “to provide primary and secondary documentation answering the question, ‘What has happened in digital humanities that hadn’t yet happened on January 22, 2013 (the day before we started our class)?'” The resulting website brings ...