CFParticipation: Introducing the DLF Metadata Support Group

In a post on the Digital Library Federation (DLF) blog, Julie Hardesty (Indiana University), Anna Neatrour (University of Utah), Bria Parker (University of Maryland), and Liz Woolcott (Utah Sate University) introduce the DLF Metadata Support Group, launched informally in 2016, as a resource for metadata and project management practitioners. DLF affiliation is not required for participating ...

JOB: Digital Collections Program Manager, Harvard University

From the position announcement: Harvard Library seeks a skilled, innovative, and collaborative professional to serve as Digital Collections Program Manager at Houghton Library.  The incumbent leads, coordinates, participates in, and/or collaborates on a series of initiatives and activities designed to build digital collections that facilitate access to and discovery of the library’s holdings, as well ...

JOB: Global Digital Humanities Librarian, Ohio State University

Here’s an excerpt from the position announcement: The Resident will serve as the Global Digital Humanities Librarian for the Research Services and Area Studies programs that lead the Libraries in creating new, engagement-centered research service models based in cross-university partnerships, user-oriented assessment, and long-standing success in advancing information literacy. As a member of the Research ...

POST: Automating Digital Archival Processing at Johns Hopkins University (post updated)

Elizabeth England and Eric Hanson (both Johns Hopkins University) have authored a guest post on the Signal blog about the project England in working on during her National Digital Stewardship Residency at Johns Hopkins. England manages a digital preservation project focused on “a large backlog (about 50 terabytes) of photographs documenting the university’s born-digital visual history.” ...

POST: High-powered computing: It’s not just for astrophysics anymore

Compute Canada / Calcul Canada has published,”High-powered computing: It’s not just for astrophysics anymore,” a post reflecting on the use and application of the Voyant tool. The post includes quotations from  scholars using Voyant in their research, including Diane Jakacki (Bucknell University) and Susan Brown (University of Guelph; University of Alberta). 200,000 unique visitors a year navigate to Voyant, a free, web-based ...

RESOURCE: Writing an extension to add new GREL functions to OpenRefine

Owen Stephens (Open University) has authored a post documenting the development of the Google Refine Expression Language (GREL) extension he wrote to add functionality to OpenRefine. [W]hile OpenRefine extensions could be complex, writing one that simply added a new GREL function was quite straightforward with a little boilerplate code and the actual GREL function written in ...

RESOURCE: “What Constitutes Peer Review of Data: A Survey of Published Peer Review Guidelines”

Todd A. Carpenter (National Information Standards Organization) uploaded “What Constitutes Peer Review of Data: A Survey of Published Peer Review Guidelines” to the Cornell University Repository to download. The paper reviews the policies around publication of data sets and how to understand peer review and data sets. Carpenter writes: The process of peer review of articles ...

POST: DIAGRAM Center Provides Guidance on Accessible Images

George Williams (University of South Carolina, Upstate) authored a post on ProfHacker about a resource he recently learned about during his institution’s project “to get all of our digital pedagogical resources to adhere to federal regulations regarding accessibility,” called the DIAGRAM Center (Digital Image and Graphic Resources for Accessible Materials). Williams highlights some of the most ...


Ed Summers (University of Maryland) has published a post on his blog about his collaborations with Matt Kirschenbaum’s Critical Topics in Digital Studies course. The goal of the collaboration between Summers and Kirschenbaum is to “provide a gentle introduction to the use of network analysis, aka graphs, in the digital humanities, while providing the students with some hands ...

JOB: Senior Developer, Scholars Lab, University of Virginia

From the announcement:  The Senior Developer will consult with faculty and students to advance research projects and training; evaluate scholarly needs and define project goals for research projects; provide input on appropriate deliverables and reasonable schedules for completion; write, test, and debug original software code for applications that enable scholars and library users to collect, ...

JOB: Digital Initiatives Librarian, Kansas State University

From the announcement: This individual will be responsible for leading efforts to advance Kansas State University Libraries’ unique collections with enhanced discovery through digitization. The incumbent will lead and participate in the strategic development of innovative, scalable, and sustainable digital collections. The individual will lead the Digital Initiatives Unit and directly supervise 2 FTE, coordinate ...