CFP: Bucknell University Digital Scholarship Conference (#BUDSC17)

Bucknell University, with support from the Andrew W. Mellon Foundation, will host its fourth annual digital scholarship conference (#BUDSC17) from October 6-8, 2017. The theme of the conference is “Looking Forward, Looking Back: The Evolution of Digital Scholarship.” #BUDSC17 is committed to expanding the definition of digital scholarship to be more inclusive across diverse communities, ...

POST: Developing a Digital Preservation Infrastructure at Georgetown University Library

In a guest post on the Signal,  Joe Carrano (Georgetown University, National Digital Stewardship Residency program) describes his NDSR Project, “building digital preservation processes for digital preservation platforms” that allow the institutions to collocate materials, document workflows and deposit them in the digital preservation repository, Academic Preservation Trust. Carrano outlines the project goals and completed milestones closing with ...

POST: “Gothic DH” at Washington and Lee

Christian Howard (University of Virginia) authored a post that was cross posted on the Washington and Lee Digital Humanities blog and the Scholar’s Lab Blog at the University of Virginia in which he describes a collaboration with Taylor Walle (Washington and Lee University) in the English 232 class, “Frantic and Sickly, Idle and Extravagant: The Gothic ...

POST: Digital Humanities Training Opportunities and Challenges

Lee Skallerup Bessette (University of Mary Washington) authored a post on ProfHacker about training opportunities in the digital humanities. Citing the lack of low-cost, low barrier opportunities, Bessette shares the opportunities she compiled in 2015 and 2016 as well opportunities compiled in 2017 by Katherine D. Harris. Bessette touches on the debates around whether coding ...

POST: A Library of Congress Lab: More Use and More Users of Digital Collections

Abbey Potter (Library of Congress) authored a post summarizing Michelle Gallinger’s (Gallinger Consulting) and Daniel Chudnov’s (Chudnov Consulting) report, “Library of Congress Lab” ,  which discusses “how libraries and other research centers have developed services that use computational analysis, design, and engagement to enable new kinds of discovery and outreach.” Potter interviews the authors to gain additional insight ...

RESOURCE: New and Improv(ing) Digitization Cost Calculator

Joyce Chapman (Duke University) and Genya O’Gara (Virtual Library of Virginia) contributed an update about the Digitization Cost Calculator developed by the Digital Library Federation Assessment Interest Group (DLF AIG) in the March/April Edition of D-Lib Magazine.  The purpose of the Calculator is to support institutions in estimating the costs of digitization projects before they ...

POST: In defense of the MLS; or, confess your unpopular opinion

Roxanne Shirazi (City University of New York Graduate Center) authored a post entitled “In defense of the MLS; or, confess your unpopular opinion” in response to recent debate about the educational qualifications for the Executive Director of the American Library Association. Shirazi challenges readers to consider how  “to open the doors to our profession without ...

POST: The Profession Responds

John Overholt (Harvard University) collocated statements from professional organizations responding to the recent Trump administration policies in a post on Medium as an update to his earlier post about how the professional is political: There is no longer, if there ever was, any distinction between the values that librarians and archivists consider essential to their professional ...

JOB: Digital Application Development Librarian, University of Miami

From the position announcement:  The University of Miami Libraries seeks applications for a collaborative and innovative Digital Application Development Librarian. Reporting to the Head of Web & Application development, this position will develop software and applications in support of digital initiatives and library infrastructure, help establish practices for software development and deployment, investigate and evaluate ...

CFParticipation: Digital Humanities Summer Institute 2017 | DHSI Colloquium

Digital Humanities Summer Institute Colloquium is now accepting applications for the upcoming session at DHSI at the University of Victoria in June, 2017. They welcome proposals of 300-500 words in several categories including short papers, posters and digital demonstrations. Proposals should be submitted through this Google Form by February 20, 2017, at 8:00pm PST.  Interested parties can contact ...

POST: Library/IT Partnerships with Campus Museums & Archives” Executive Roundtable Report

The Coalition for Networked Information (CNI) released the report of the Fall 2016 Executive Roundtable: The discussion covered a wide range of topics related to the development of institution-wide strategies for describing, managing, curating, enhancing access, preserving, and disseminating surrogates or born-digital representations of objects housed in those institutions, and ways in which these collections can ...