RESOURCE: Breaking Down the Desk, Librarians Engaging Researchers in the New Scholarly Landscape

Harriet Green (University of Illinois, Urbana-Champaign) authored an article in Parameters responding to Jim Neal’s (Columbia University) future of libraries piece in the same publication. Neal asks thought provoking questions: Will the library in the eyes of the researcher mean innovation? Can the library advance new methods, new ideas, and new products and services? Can the library ...

RESOURCE: Data, Data Citation, and Bibliometrics

Christine Borgman (University of California, Los Angeles) recently deposited the slides from the presentation,”Data, Data Citation, and Bibliometrics” she gave recently at the Taiwan Data Curation and Citation Workshop/Academia Sinica and National Taiwan University. The presentation makes the case for data citation, its best practices, its benefits for scholarship, and recommendations. Borgman quotes CODATA-ICSTI Task Group on ...

JOB: Head, Learning Spaces & Services, NCSU Libraries

From the position announcement:  The Head, Learning Spaces & Services leads a service-oriented program that supports student success through teaching, provision of online learning and information management tools, expert assistance, and innovative learning spaces. S/He directs and coordinates the activities of the department, sets goals and objectives, manages and oversees the professional development of staff, and ...

JOB: Director of the Center for Digital Scholarship, Brown University

From the position announcement: We seek an enthusiastic, strategic, and well-organized leader to provide vision for the Center as well as direction and oversight for the Library’s digital scholarship services, spaces, and operations. As the direct supervisor of the Data Visualization Coordinator, Digital Humanities Librarians, the Social Sciences Data Librarian, and the Scientific Data Management ...

JOB: Library or Librarian and Instructional Technology Liaison Data Services, Mount Holyoke College

From the announcement: As a member of a fully blended group of librarians and instructional technologists in the Research & Instructional Support (RIS) department, the Librarian/Library and Instructional Technology Liaison (title dependent on qualifications) will work closely with fellow liaisons in RIS to provide forward-looking library research and instructional technology services to faculty and students, ...

JOB: Digital Preservation Librarian, Northwestern University

From the announcement: Reporting to the Head of Repository and Digital Curation, the Digital Preservation Librarian designs, coordinates and executes the day-to-day operations of repository preservation services for significant digitized and born-digital collections. The Digital Preservation Librarian will provide leadership and collaborate with library experts to help manage digitized and born digital collections for preservation ...

POST: Wrestling with The Digital Dissertation in Anthropology

Nikki Silva (Cultural Heritage Informatics Initiative) authored a blog post reflecting on the changing state of the dissertation across disciplines. Silva lists examples of hybrid and digital dissertation projects: Knowing that these projects are out there, may lead other PhD Students to start the conversation with their committee and may lead to more digital dissertation ...

POST: On Digital Literacies

Lee Skallerup Bessette (University of Mary Washington), Autumn Caines (Capital University), and Maha Bali (American University in Cairo) co-authored a post on ProfHacker responding to The New Media Consortium’s report, “Strategic Brief on Digital Literacy.” Responding to five different points, the authors reflect on the relationship between organizations like The New Media Consortium and various ...

RESOURCE: Digital Humanities: What Can Libraries Offer?

Shun Han Rebekah Wong (Hong Kong Baptist University) has authored an article analyzing collaborative authorship and library involvement in the digital humanities: Wong, S. H. R. (2016). Digital Humanities: What Can Libraries Offer? [pdf postprint] portal: Libraries and the Academy, 16(4), 669-690. The abstract is reproduced below: The collaborative aspect of digital humanities is one ...

TOOL: Fulcrum

The University of Michigan Press/Michigan Publishing and the University of Michigan Library IT announced the beta launch of the new digital tool, Fulcrum. This platform uses the Hydra/Fedora Framework and “helps publishers present the full richness of their authors’ research outputs in a durable, discoverable, and flexible form.” During this beta phase, the platform will feature its ...

RECOMMENDED: Speculative Collections

Bethany Nowviskie (Digital Library Federation) published the text of the talk she gave at the Harvard Symposium about the future of library collecting, “The Transformation of Academic Library Collection: A Symposium Inspired by Dan C. Hazen.” It is the sequel to her talk, “Alternate Futures, Usable Pasts,” featured in the Review last week. In this talk, entitled ...