JOB: Digital Initiatives Librarian (University of Alabama)

From the announcement: The University of Alabama Libraries seeks a creative, forward-thinking professional to serve as Digital Initiatives Librarian within the W.S. Hoole Special Collections Library and the A.S. Williams III Americana Collection. Through its Strategic Plan, the University of Alabama Libraries is committed to providing leadership in the areas of digital preservation of rare ...

JOB: Head of Digital Scholarship (University of Oklahoma)

From the announcement: The University of Oklahoma Libraries seeks to recruit a Head of Digital Scholarship. This position will engage with campus entities to identify innovative and evolving digital tools and resources that advance scholarly investigation, while building upon the traditional cornerstones of research methodologies in the arts, humanities, and social sciences disciplines. The Head ...

JOB: Open Scholarship Librarian (Syracuse University)

From the announcement: The Open Scholarship Librarian is a critical member of the Libraries’ Digital and Open Scholarship Team, situated within the Department of Research and Scholarship. The Open Scholarship Librarian will collaborate with internal and external partners to create and maintain policies and workflows relating to publishing and dissemination of scholarship. This role involves ...

POST: Why Open Access definitions are confusing

Aaron Tay (Singapore Management University) has authored a post, “Why Open Access definitions are confusing,” on his blog. Tay lays out areas of Open Access (OA) that he has found confusing personally, in the hopes of elucidating others: Rather, as open access categories start to get more nuanced and granular, our attempts to force open ...

POST: Stay “in the loop” with LC Labs experiment combining crowdsourcing and machine learning

Eileen Jakeway (Library of Congress) has authored a post for Library of Congress’ The Signal blog, on the “Humans in the Loop” experiment run by LC Labs. Jakeway’s post, “Stay ‘in the loop’ with LC Labs experiment combining crowdsourcing and machine learning,” covers the recent history of LC’s involvement with and experiments in “responsibly combin[ing] ...

RESOURCE: Total Cost of Stewardship: Responsible Collection Building in Archives and Special Collections

OCLC Research has released a report, “Total Cost of Stewardship: Responsible Collection Building in Archives and Special Collections,” authored by Chela Scott Weber (OCLC Research), Martha O’Hara Conway (University of Michigan), Nicholas Martin (NYU), Gioia Stevens (NYU), and Brigette Kamsler (George Washington University). From the report description: Developed by the OCLC Research Library Partnership’s (RLP) ...

RESOURCE: Collaboration, Empathy & Change: Perspectives on Leadership in Libraries and Archives in 2020

Trevor Owens (Library of Congress) and Angelina Wong (University of Maryland) have shared a preprint of Collaboration, Empathy & Change: Perspectives on Leadership in Libraries and Archives in 2020 on SocArXiv. From the book introduction, Owens describes the impetus and process behind the book: …the students in the organizational theory and leadership course I taught ...

CFP: Datafication in the Historical Humanities: Reconsidering Traditional Understandings of Sources and Data

The German Historical Institute (GHI) Washington has released a call for papers for the Fifth Annual GHI Conference on Digital Humanities and Digital History, to be held December 9-11, 2021. This year’s conference will “revolve around the concept of ‘datafication,’ that is, the production of and the shift toward digital representations of historical sources as a ...

JOB: Scholarly Communications & Digital Scholarship Librarian (San Jose State University)

From the announcement: The Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. Library at San JosĂ©  State University (San JosĂ© , CA) seeks a service-oriented, innovative, and collaborative individual for the full-time, tenure-track position of Scholarly Communications & Digital Scholarship Librarian. This position is one of three that will be hired in 2021–STEM Librarian, iSchool Librarian, and Scholarly Communications & ...

JOB: Digital Services Librarian (Florida State University)

From the announcement: Florida State University (FSU) Libraries invites applications for the position of Digital Services Librarian. Reporting to the Repository Developer in the Technology & Digital Scholarship Division, this position will primarily focus on providing key support and extension services for Diginole, FSU’s institutional repository which houses over 80,000 titles (over 34 TB of ...

POST: What is Metadata Assessment?

Hannah Tarver (University of North Texas) and Steven Gentry (University of Michigan), who are members of the Digital Library Assessment Interest Group’s Metadata Assessment Working Group (DLF AIG MWG), have written an overview of metadata assessment in digital libraries, and its importance and benefits for the DLF blog. In “What is Metadata Assessment?,” they posit ...