EVENT: CDHI Visiting Speaker Series: Allie Martin on Black Sonic Life

The Critical Digital Humanities Initiative (CDHI) at the University of Toronto is hosting a talk by Allie Martin (Dartmouth College), tentatively entitled “Black Covid Care: Building Sonic Constellations of Black Life.” From the talk description: Her work is attuned to questions of race, sound and power. Her forthcoming first book, Intersectional Listening: Gentrification and Black Sonic ...

CFP: 2023 CLIR Events: DLF Forum, Learn@DLF, and Digital Preservation 2023

The Council on Library and Information Resources (CLIR) has released the call for proposals for the Digital Library Federation (DLF) Forum, Learn@DLF, and the National Digital Stewardship Alliance (NDSA) Digital Preservation conference. All three allied events will be held in-person in St. Louis, MO in mid-November: the Learn@DLF pre-conference on November 12, DLF Forum November ...

JOB: Assistant Professor & Digital Pedagogy Librarian, University of Dayton

From the announcement: The University of Dayton seeks an innovative, collaborative, flexible, and service-oriented professional to serve as the Digital Pedagogy Librarian. This is a 12-month, tenure-track faculty position at the rank of assistant professor with an anticipated start of July 1, 2023. The successful candidate will play an important role in developing and advancing ...

JOB: Digital Initiatives Coordinator, Rice University

From the announcement: Fondren Library seeks a creative, collaborative digital initiatives coordinator to help plan, develop and maintain digital scholarship and digital collections projects. As Fondren Library expands digital scholarship partnerships, the digital initiatives coordinator will help to devise strategies for supporting and sustaining such projects, conduct outreach, perform consultations, and develop and implement project ...

RESOURCE: Refreshed Sites for Blackwell Companions to Digital Humanities

The Alliance of Digital Humanities Organizations (ADHO) has published a new site for the Blackwell Companions to Digital Humanities. This new site for A Companion to Digital Humanities (2004) and A Companion to Digital Literary Studies (2008) is aimed towards long term preservation and a full text search has been added. According to the project’s GitHub repository, The content ...

EVENT: 2022 Symposium on African Digital Humanities: African Archives and Digital Recovery

African DH@KU is hosting the 2022 Symposium on African Digital Humanities: African Archives and Digital Recovery on October 6, 2022. Hosted on Zoom, the symposium includes two panels, a keynote by Dr. Roopika Risam (Dartmouth College) and a closing dialogue with Jennifer Hart (Wayne State University) and Kuukuwa Manful (SOAS, University of London). This year’s ...

EVENT: Sharing your Digital Collections

Deep South DH is hosting a free online workshop on “accessible ways to upload and share your own projects online,” “Sharing Your Digital Collections.” We will be joined by University of Idaho librarians from the CollectionBuilder team, who will lead participants through getting started and setting up CollectionBuilder to host an interactive, digital project for free. ...

EVENT: ACRL DSS PDC: What do we do differently? Perspectives on Digital Project Management in Libraries and Archives

The ACRL Digital Scholarship Section Professional Development Committee is hosting a webinar, “What do we do differently? Perspectives on Digital Project Management in Libraries and Archives” on Friday, October 21st starting at 1pm (Central). Orchestrating a complete digital project management lifecycle to preserve and make archival collections accessible online can often be a challenge. The ...

RECOMMENDED: Good Systems Humanist-in-the-Loop: Responsible Data Operations and Workforce Development in Libraries, Archives, and Museums

Tanya Clement (U Texas), Andi Gustavson (U Texas), Allyssa Guzman (U Texas), Nathan Alexander Moore (CU Boulder), and Lauren Walker (U Texas) have published a white paper entitled “Good Systems Humanist-in-the-Loop: Responsible Data Operations and Workforce Development in Libraries, Archives, and Museums” on the University of Texas at Austin’s Texas Scholar Works repository. This paper ...

RESOURCE: Antiracism Toolkit for Black, Indigenous, and People of Color

Toolkits for Equity has released their latest toolkit, Antiracism Toolkit for Black, Indigenous, and People of Color. Hosted on PubPub in collaboration with Coalition for Diversity & Inclusion in Scholarly Communications (C4DISC), the Society for Scholarly Publishing (SSP), and the Knowledge Futures Group, this toolkit is aimed towards BIPOC as a resource to navigate the scholarly ...

EVENT: Humanities and the Web: Introduction to Web Archive Data Analysis

The Internet Archive is hosting a full-day workshop, Humanities and the Web: Introduction to Web Archive Data Analysis, on November 14, 2022 at the Los Angeles Central Library. Everyday, significant cultural production occurs globally across the web (e.g., e-poetry, electronic literature, news, social media, and more). As a publication medium that is both a primary source ...