RESOURCE: Engaging Researchers in Data Dialogues: Designing Collaborative Programming to Promote Research Data Sharing

The Journal of eScience Librarianship has published an article, “Engaging Researchers in Data Dialogues: Designing Collaborative Programming to Promote Research Data Sharing,” by Moira Downey, Sophia Lafferty-Hess, Patrick Charbonneau, and Angela Zoss (all Duke University). From the abstract: A range of regulatory pressures emanating from funding agencies and scholarly journals increasingly encourage researchers to engage ...

CFP: Revisiting Teaching and Games: Mapping Out Ecosystems of Learning

The journal gamevironments seeks submissions for a special issue entitled, “Revisiting Teaching and Games: Mapping Out Ecosystems of Learning.” From the call: In this special issue, we want to curate a collection of accessible stories, theories, and methods of triumphs and failures involving gaming and teaching. We invite perspectives from inhabitants of the entire gameplay ecosystem: ...

CFP: Archiving 2021

Proposals for Archiving 2021 are now being accepted. The two-week conference aims to serve as an interdisciplinary forum for information exchange on the latest research results on digitization and curation, new technologies and projects, and different platforms and ways of visualizing collection data. Archiving 2021 will take place June 9-18 and 21-24, and will include ...

OPPORTUNITY: LIS Education and Data Science Integrated Network Group (LEADING) Fellowships

The LIS Education and Data Science Integrated Network Group (LEADING) is accepting applications for 2021 cohort of fellows. As per the website, “The LEADING project scales-up the highly successful LEADS-4-NDP initiative and will prepare a diverse, nation-wide cohort of 50 LIS doctoral students and early to mid-career librarians for data science endeavors.” LEADING fellows receive a ...

JOB: Director of Digital Scholarship (University of Chicago)

From the announcement: The Director of Digital Scholarship provides leadership and vision for digital scholarship at the University of Chicago Library and manages the Center for Digital Scholarship (CDS).  The Center’s mission is to serve as a hub for the expertise, services, technology, and spaces that equip faculty and students to integrate digital tools and ...

JOB: Digital Archivist (Smith College)

From the announcement: As a member of the Technical and Digital Services unit within Special Collections, Smith College Libraries, the Digital Archivist will provide practical implementation, expertise, and leadership in areas related to born-digital and digitized collection materials. The Digital Archivist will carry out specialized activities related to digital collections, and will provide ongoing training ...

JOB: Scholarly Communications Librarian (University of Chicago)

From the announcement: As a part of the Library’s Center for Digital Scholarship, the Scholarly Communications Librarian leads the University of Chicago’s growing scholarly communication and repository services. Reporting to the Director of Digital Scholarship, the Scholarly Communications Librarian provides expertise in open scholarship, author rights, copyright, research data management, and compliance with public-access requirements ...

RECOMMENDED: Lizard People in the Library

Barbara Fister (Gustavus Adolphus College and Project Information Literacy) has authored an essay, “Lizard People in the Library,” for Project Information Literacy’s Provocation Series. In this piece Fister tackles the role of information literacy educators in the age of “fake news,” QAnon, and other conspiracy theories. Fister provides an overview of polarization, filter bubbles, and ...

POST: The User Experience of Logging In: An Introduction

Stephen Francoeur (CUNY Baruch College) has written a blog post, “The User Experience of Logging In: An Introduction” that categorizes “the places where problems arise” in user experience in logging into academic library resources. Francoeur details four areas of UX: “the status of the user, the user’s device, the library’s systems and resources, and a vendor’s ...

RESOURCE: Copyright and Libraries: Georgia State Copyright Lawsuit

Laura Burtle (Georgia State University) has made her chapter, “Copyright and Libraries: Georgia State Copyright Lawsuit” from Ruth Dukelow and Michael Robak’s Legal Issues in Libraries and Archives available via ScholarWorks @ Georgia State University. From the introduction of the chapter: Three publishing houses, Cambridge University Press, Oxford University Press, and Sage Publications, Inc. (collectively, ...

EVENT: Digital Humanities Workshop: Advanced Tools for DH

The University of Illinois Chicago’s Digital Humanities Initiative is hosting a virtual workshop on February 17, “Digital Humanities Workshop: Advanced Tools for DH.” A series of presenters will “present and illustrate how Python and machine learning can be used for digital humanities projects.” The half day workshop is free and open to the public, but ...