Assessment and Evaluation of Digital Humanities Work


DHNow has issued a call for writing on the assessment and evaluation of DH work. As indicated in the call, they are aiming both to expand their Zotero collection of existing publications, policies, and statements, and to provoke the publication of new work in this area. A selection of the latter will be published in the next issue of Journal of Digital Humanities.

The Editors are interested in gathering and soliciting work from the library perspective. Potential areas of inquiry include: How are librarians presenting their DH work to tenure and promotion committees– and how should they? How might the performance of a librarian newly-engaged with DH work be evaluated?

From the call:

1) We will build a bibliography of existing statements and institutional policies in theĀ Digital Humanities Zotero Group Library. Group membership is open and we encourageĀ DHNowĀ readers to add materials and citations to the library.

2) We are soliciting new writing on critical assessment for the full breadth of DH scholarship. Work published online by December 3, 2012 will be considered for inclusion in theĀ Journal of Digital Humanities. SeeĀ How to Submit Your WorkĀ for more information.