CFP: ADHO Calls for Proposals for New Special Interest Groups

The Alliance of Digital Humanities Organizations (ADHO) has issued a call for proposals for Special Interest Groups (SIGs). From the announcement:

By forming a SIG, those with similar professional specialties, interests, and aptitudes can exchange ideas, stay current, and mobilize to pursue common goals across the boundaries of ADHO’s individual Constituent Organizations.

According to the ADHO Protocol for SIGs:

In support of SIGs, ADHO offers a platform for connection with and visibility within the international Digital Humanities community.  If requested, ADHO would be happy to consider offering a dedicated server space for the SIGs website, a dedicated listserv and in-name sponsorship of related gatherings, workshops, and conferences, as well as in-name support when pursuing external funding.

Many dh+lib readers are likely familiar with the first ADHO SIG, Global Outlook:: Digital Humanities (GO::DH) project (dh+lib announced it here).

In response to the CFP, Josh Honn (Northwestern University) has created a Google doc to gauge interest in a “critical digital humanities” SIG. A question for dh+lib readers: is anyone interested in a SIG for library and cultural heritage professionals?

OPPORTUNITIES: Alliance of Digital Humanities Organizations Publications Liaison

The ADHO invites applications for Publications Liaison, “a volunteer position to help increase the visibility of the association’s journals and other publications.” This would be a great opportunity for a librarian to get involved in a DH project. From the position description:

ADHO publications are primarily owned by its constituent organizations; these publications include:

  • LLC. The Journal of Digital Scholarship in the Humanities (a print journal whose ownership resides with ALLC/EADH);
  • Digital Humanities Quarterly (an online journal whose ownership resides with ACH);
  • Digital Studies/Le champ numérique (an online journal whose ownership resides with CSDH/SCHN);
  • DH Commons (an online publication whose ownership resides with centerNet);
  • Humanist (an online discussion group);
  • Digital Humanities Questions and Answers (a community-based Q&A board whose ownership resides with ACH and ProfHacker); and
  • Topics in the Digital Humanities (a monograph series);

More information about ADHO publications may be found at

The ADHO publications liaison would work with publishers and indexing services to ensure that ADHO publications are properly indexed, advise on metadata best practices, and recommend other discovery strategies.

Applications are due to Kathleen Fitzpatrick (, Chair of the ADHO Publications Committee, by April 15.