OPPORTUNITY: Apply Now for ADHO’s Travel Bursaries for DH2018

The Alliance of Digital Humanities Organizations (ADHO) is accepting applications for travel bursaries from students and young scholars for the 2018 Digital Humanities conference in Mexico City.

[ADHO] makes bursary awards to 14 or more students and young scholars who have submissions accepted for presentation at the annual Digital Humanities international conference. These awards are to encourage new contributions to scholarship in the digital humanities from our diverse global constituency and to involve new participants in the application of information technology in humanities research. Paper, poster and panel submissions qualify for consideration, authored or co-authored by an applicant.

Applications are due April 3, 2018.

Author: Sarah Melton

Sarah Melton is Head of Digital Scholarship at Boston College. Her group explores and documents new tools and supports teaching and research in a variety of areas that utilize broad methodologies in the digital humanities. She is interested in questions of digital infrastructure, the philosophical underpinnings of ”openness,” and the intersection of public history and digital humanities. She has worked with Open Access Button for the past several years. Sarah holds a PhD from Emory University’s Graduate Institute of the Liberal Arts.