POST: Reflections on Code4Lib 2018

The ACRL Techconnect blog has published “Reflections on Code4Lib 2018,” featuring contributions from Ashley Blewer, Bohyun Kim, and Eric Phetteplace. The three authors each discuss presentations that resonated with them, and helpfully link out to recordings and slides when available.

Brewer, discussing Amy Wickner’s presentation on web archives, notes:

Wickner, citing Terry Cook, spoke of the ā€œcare and feeding of archivesā€ and thinking about appraisal as storytelling. I think this is a great way to make a big internet seem smaller, understanding the importance of care in appraisal while acknowledging that for web archiving, it is an essential practice. Representation in web archives is more likely to be chosen in the appraisal of web materials than in other formats historically.

Other topics of discussion from the conference include a breakout session on machine learning and Matthew Reidsma’s auditing algorithms talk. The complete conference live stream recording is also available.

Author: Roxanne Shirazi

Roxanne is the Dissertation Research Librarian at the Graduate Center, CUNY.