OPPORTUNITY: Institute for Liberal Arts Digital Scholarship

The Institute for Liberal Arts Digital Scholarship (ILiADS) is accepting proposals from project teams for the 2017 institute, to be held July 30-August 4 at the College of Wooster.

At ILiADS, ideas grow through collaborative, iterative processes. During this week of digital immersion, teams composed of some mix of researchers, librarians, technologists, and students are invited to build upon established digital pedagogy or scholarship projects and/or launch new ones. Whether you’re learning how to clear significant hurdles or you’re just getting off of the ground, ILiADS’ expert Liaisons will consult with teams to advance their goals. Over the course of the week, team members will learn more about their own collaboration and how to sustain their project into the future. Projects of all types, and at any juncture, are welcomed.

The proposal deadline has been extended to March 31, 2017.

Author: Caitlin Christian-Lamb

Caitlin is a PhD candidate and instructor of record at the University of Maryland’s iSchool, where she is affiliated with the Ethics and Values in Design Lab (EViD) and the University of Maryland Institute for Advanced Computer Studies (UMIACS).