CFP: Focus Issue on Digital Scholarship, International Journal of Digital Libraries

A call for contributions has been made for a special issue of International Journal of Digital Libraries, edited by Steve Griffin and Stefan Gradmann. Submissions are due November 30, 2013, for a projected publication in September, 2014.  From the announcement:

This special issue will solicit high quality papers that demonstrate exceptional achievements in digital scholarship, including but not limited to:

* scholarly work that demonstrates innovation in the creation and use of complex information objects and tools to advance domain scholarship
* domain research that exemplifies creative and innovative data-intensive research in the formal, natural, social sciences and the humanities and arts
* new applications, tools and services that expand the scope and means for interdisciplinary digital scholarship
* data repositories and infrastructure projects of exceptional quality and value that illustrate how community-based efforts can serve global constituencies
* models for leveraging and expanding web-based infrastructure for scholars
* document models that support multiple information types, update, annotation, executable objects, linkages, rapid integration and staged release of document components
* scholarly communication environments that capture a comprehensive record of scholarly workflows and artifacts and provide new means of presentation, dissemination and reuse of digital assets


Author: Roxanne Shirazi

Roxanne is the Dissertation Research Librarian at the Graduate Center, CUNY.