POST: ADHO Announces New SIG, Libraries and Digital Humanities

The Alliance of Digital Humanities Organizations (ADHO) has announced the formation of a new Special Interest Group, Libraries and Digital Humanities:

ADHO’s Libraries and Digital Humanities SIG aims at fostering collaboration and communication among librarians and other scholars doing DH work, by showcasing the work of librarians engaged in DH projects, advocating for initiatives of interest and benefit to both libraries and DH, promoting librarians’ perspectives and skills to the rest of the DH community, and offering advice and support to new and emergent associations of librarians engaged in DH projects.

The Libraries and Digital Humanities SIG encourages membership from all fields and geographic regions: please visit its Twitter page or sign up for updates through this Google Form.

dh+lib will be hosting a longer post by the conveners of the Libraries and Digital Humanities SIG in the coming weeks; watch this space for more details!

Author: Caitlin Christian-Lamb

Caitlin is a PhD candidate and instructor of record at the University of Maryland’s iSchool, where she is affiliated with the Ethics and Values in Design Lab (EViD) and the University of Maryland Institute for Advanced Computer Studies (UMIACS).