CFP: Black Code Studies

The Black Scholar is seeking abstracts for a special issue on Black Code Studies.

Topics include but are not limited to

  • Online/Hashtag Activism
  • Black and Radical Womyn of Color Feminisms
  • #BlackLivesMatter
  • Games and Nerds of Color
  • Black Codes and Race Codes
  • Afrofuturism/Speculative Fiction
  • Digital Black Studies and Pedagogy
  • Radical Media
  • Reviews of Digital Projects/Media
  • Hacking Race
  • Technology and Art/Music
  • Independent x Mainstream Media

Possible formats might include digital performance and performativity, social networking and social media, blogs and blog posts, Storifys, Twitterchats, archives, and exhibits.

The deadline for abstracts (250 words) is March 15, 2015. Completed submissions are due by May 1, 2015.

Author: Zach Coble

Zach is the Digital Scholarship Specialist at New York University.