We’re Looking for dh+lib Review Editors-at-Large for Spring 2015

The dh+lib Review, a volunteer-driven service for highlighting and sharing the best of digital humanities and libraries, is looking for editors-at-large for the Spring 2015 semester. We’ve had a steadily increasing number of editors-at-large for each of the six semesters the Review has been in operation, and we’re hoping to continue the trend. Sign up for a shift today!

The snippets, which appear on the dh+lib homepage, in a weekly newsletter sent to the ACRL Digital Humanities Interest Group listserv, and in our Twitter stream, are selected from an aggregated stream of content that is produced and shared by the dh+lib community. This stream – in the form of RSS feeds – casts a wide net and includes content produced by librarians, archivists, museum workers, faculty, information professionals, and technologists, just to name a few.

The post-publication filtering process relies heavily on the work of our editors-at-large, who volunteer for one-week shifts to survey the stream of content and select what should be highlighted on the dh+lib homepage. Once the editors-at-large have made their nominations, the editors (currently, Zach Coble, Caro Pinto, and Roxanne Shirazi), make a final selection decision, write a brief snippet providing context for each resource, and then publish the week’s batch each Tuesday.

Are you interested in volunteering for the dh+lib Review? It’s an easy way to get involved in the dh+lib community and great for staying current with conversations in DH. Editors-at-large commit to a one-week shift that involves approximately 20 minutes a day. We currently need editors-at-large for the Spring 2015 semester – sign up today!

Author: The Editors

The Editors of dh+lib, Zach Coble, Sarah Potvin, and Roxanne Shirazi.

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