POST: Cultivating Partnerships in the Digital Humanities

In a column in the Chronicle of Higher Education, William Pannpacker argues for the shared value of DH collaborations between teaching-focused liberal arts institutions and research-focused universities. Emblematic of these “multi-institutional partnerships” is the Praxis Network, “developed as a partnership to share information about efforts to reboot graduate education and prepare Ph.D.’s for a range of career paths wider than tenure-track research positions.”

Pannpacker quotes Ethan Watrall, the associate director of MATRIX, on the need for broad participation in regional partnerships: “‘If you want to turn a region into a center of gravitational pull for digital work, everyone has to be involved: R1s, SLACs, cultural-heritage institutions (galleries, libraries, archives, and museums), and community colleges.'”

Author: Sarah Potvin

Sarah works as the Digital Scholarship Librarian in the Office of Scholarly Communications, Texas A&M University Libraries.