CFP: Digital Humanities 2015

The Digital Humanities 2015 conference, to be held June 29 – July 3, 2015, in Sydney, Australia, is accepting proposals. Session types include:

  • posters (abstract maximum 750 words);
  • short papers (abstract maximum 1500 words);
  • long papers (abstract maximum 1500 words);
  • multiple paper sessions, including panels (regular abstracts + approximately 500-word overview); and
  • pre-conference workshops and tutorials (proposal maximum 1500 words)

The theme of the conference is “global digital humanities,” which “acknowledges the field’s expansion worldwide across disciplines, cultures and languages.” DH2015 marks the first time the Digital Humanities conference has been held outside of North America and Europe.

The submission deadline for posters and papers is November 3, 2014; proposals for pre-conference workshops and tutorials may be submitted in round 1 (due October 1, 2014) or round 2 (due February 16, 2015).


Author: Zach Coble

Zach is the Digital Scholarship Specialist at New York University.