PROJECT: Around DH in 80 Days

Around DH in 80 Days has begun introducing a new DH project from around the globe, one on each day beginning June 20, 2014 (follow #arounddh on Twitter or subscribe to the RSS feed). The project “seeks to introduce new and veteran audiences to the global field of DH scholarly practice” as a way to both discover current and developing projects and to delve into the “critical work of DH beyond the familiar by continuing to engage with these and other projects beyond our platform.”

Around DH is led by Alex Gil (Columbia University) and sponsored by ADHO’s Global Outlook::Digital Humanities (GO::DH) special interest group. Many others contributed to the development of the project; initial research and design was conducted by students in Ryan Cordell’s “Doing Digital Humanities” graduate seminar at Northeastern University.

The 80 sites were chosen based on four editorial categories – scholarship, humanities technology, pedagogy, and design and user experience – with additional editorial oversight to ensure fair geographic representation and inclusion of projects with smaller budgets. The GO::DH group also maintains welcomes contributions to its “master list,” a Google Doc containing a more comprehensive listing of global DH projects.


Author: Zach Coble

Zach is the Digital Scholarship Specialist at New York University.