PROJECT: Alice Dunbar-Nelson Correspondence Network Dataset

A Collections as Data pilot project at the University of Delaware, the network dataset for Alice Dunbar-Nelson’s correspondence is now available for download via the UDel institutional repository.

Alice Dunbar-Nelson was an African-American civil rights activist, author, educator, wife of notable poet Paul Laurence Dunbar; the correspondence collection contains her literary, professional, and personal papers, and “[t]he dataset contains tabular data listing all the letters in the general correspondence section, Series II. The dataset can be used for network visualization, data analysis, and data visualization describing the life and network of Alice Dunbar-Nelson.”

More information about the context, scope, and contents in the collection are listed in the online finding aid.

Project collaborators Kayla Abner and Britney Henry (University of Delaware Library) shared an overview of their workflow and “Collections as Data” approach to developing this dataset in a DLF presentation available online: “Building Data from Correspondence.”