OPPORTUNITY: CollectionBuilder LIS Student Program

The CollectionBuilder 2023 Incentives Program is the latest grant-funded opportunity for using and contributing to CollectionBuilder, and open-source, Lib-Static tool and infrastructure. Currently, applications are being accepted to their Library & Information Science (LIS) Student Program. The program offers eight $400 stipends to current LIS students interested in learning more about and using CollectionBuilder for their own digital projects. From the announcement:

Are you a Library and Information Science (LIS) student interested in expanding your digital collection knowledge and/or learning web development skills? CollectionBuilder is an excellent option for creating a free and long lasting digital collection site that you can add to your portfolio, while exploring tools and platforms such as Git, GitHub, Jekyll, Markdown, HTML, and CSS that you are likely to encounter in your future career as a digital librarian.

We are looking for students who are interested in learning and customizing a CollectionBuilder site. A CollectionBuilder project might be suitable for anĀ independent studyĀ orĀ capstone projectĀ at your institution. To view example CollectionBuilder projects, please visit ourĀ CollectionBuilder Examples site.

Participants will have the opportunity to experiment with creative uses of the CollectionBuilder framework while learning from one another and comparing experiences in aĀ cohort environment. This program is meant to be a learning opportunity; therefore, no specific technical knowledge is required to apply. Participants will use CollectionBuilderā€™s robustĀ documentationĀ and follow tutorials to set up their sites, then work with the CollectionBuilder team and one another to implement and document customization ideas.

Expectations Include:

  • Participate in virtual discussions with other student incentive recipients and the CollectionBuilder team
  • Follow a series of brief tutorials to prepare data and create a CollectionBuilder site
  • Prepare and publish one short video tutorial documenting a CollectionBuilder feature, or a blog post that highlights your project
  • Submit feedback and attend a follow-up virtual meeting with the CollectionBuilder team to discuss the experience

How to Apply: In theĀ application form, you will be asked to answer some basic questions about yourself and the following short answer questions:

  • Please briefly describe why you are interested in learning how to use CollectionBuilder.
  • In 1-2 paragraphs, please describe any ideas you have for CollectionBuilder projects and discuss your research and academic interests.
  • What kind of skills are you most interested in learning while using CollectionBuilder and why? We suggest readingĀ this articleĀ before writing your response to help generate ideas.
  • How would this cohort experience benefit your education and future career?

Students will create their projects during the Spring 2024 semester. Applications are due November 30, 2023.