WebWise Now, a pilot project funded by the Institute of Museum and Library Services in support of its annual WebWise conference and developed by the PressForward Initiative at the Roy Rosenzweig Center for History and New Media (RRCHNM), is a news aggregator intended for gallery, library, archive, and museum professionals.

According to the site, “WebWise Now highlights resources, articles, and news—in whatever form—that drives the digital library, museum, and archive field forward as Features. Additional items of interest to the field—jobs, calls for papers, conference and funding announcements, reports, and recently-released resources—are redistributed as News.” WebWise Now “offers professionals interested in beginning digital projects at their institution and/or writing IMLS grants to support digital projects a broader sense of what is happening in the digital GLAM community.”

Like dh+lib Review, WebWise Now uses the PressForward plugin to “aggregate, nominate, and review content via RSS feeds,” with publication through WordPress. IMLS grant officers and RRCHNM faculty select content for WebWise Now.


Author: Zach Coble

Zach is the Digital Scholarship Specialist at New York University.