EVENT: Day of DH 2021

This year’s Day of DH (#dayofdh2021) will be held on April 29. Organized by Loyola University Chicago and UCLA in USA, University of Guelph in Canada, and Università del Piedmont Orientale in Italy, this year’s theme is multilingual DH, intended “to open up conversation about projects being undertaken in the various languages and put together a list of non-English tools, libraries, software products, tips, hacks, and resources available for researchers and institutions.” From the announcement:

In the past, Centers have organized events or introduced new activities in their spaces as part of their Day of DH. This Day of DH comes after a year of living in the virtual space and for that, it is more special. We have had a year of seeing human life and technology intersect intimately, and seen its affordances and its limitations come to fore virtual meeting after virtual meeting. So #dayofdh2021 provides us with an opportunity to share and reflect upon how a global pandemic changed DH, its directions, your research questions, and more.

As detailed on the website, Day of DH “will take place primarily on Twitter” using the hashtag #dayofdh2021. Blog posts or other media can be shared via posting URLs on Twitter using the hashtag. To participate “please post about your work day, your plans and your daily activities. Day of DH is a way to show how digital humanities happens in many different ways, and is practiced by a varied group of people.”

This year Day of DH will also use Instagram as a platform for participation, using the same #dayofdh2021 hashtag: “Show off your projects, visualizations, exhibits, your work-from-home setup, record a reel to share, set up a guide to DH related studies.” Organizers also emphasize accessibility in sharing your activities on Day of DH:

Please share pictures as you share your day! We’d like to make sure that everyone can read and participate in the Day of DH Twitter activity. To that end, you are encouraged to add alt-text to images that you post. To do this, you have to turn on the “Compose Image Description” feature which is in the “Accessibility” tab in the “Settings” menu of your Twitter app. You will then see a “Describe Image” label that allows you to insert a short description of the contents of your image. This is then visible to screen readers and other accessibility software. For more detail, see the Twitter support instructions: How to make images accessible for people or a video. The @dayofdh Twitter and @dayofdh Instagram account will be providing news and updates.