EVENT: Critical Librarianship and Pedagogy Symposium

The Critical Librarianship and Pedagogy Symposium (#claps2020) is currently underway. Hosted by the University of Arizona Libraries, and running from September 1-17, the online symposium features a range of free events, from keynote talks to flipped discussions and social events. “Critical pedagogy recognizes that education is shaped by outside political and economic forces, often to the detriment of politically and culturally marginalized students. Those who practice critical pedagogy teach students how to recognize and critique the oppressive power structures inherent in educational systems.” CLAPS seeks to promote critical library pedagogy:

Librarians have historically practiced information literacy instruction, which teaches students how to find, evaluate, and use information. Critical library pedagogy recognizes that “all knowledge is created within a historical context” and teaches students how to identify and understand the contextual drivers behind the creation and dissemination of information.

Of particular interest to digital humanities folks are sessions devoted to assessment, digital making, makerspaces, as well as the rich variety of lightning talks. Regardless of topic, this conference will help DH library practitioners intentionally engage in critical approaches to their work.

Please make sure to review the CLAPS Code of Conduct before logging into a session.