dh+lib Reboot and Call for Review Editors

Friends and readers,

During our restorative hiatus, the dh+lib team has been reflecting on our processes and working to address the challenges and inconveniences that have created extra burdens on our Review editorial team as well as on our Editors-at-Large. We’ve made a number of changes and are about to launch our call for EALs so that we can resume the Review in September.

Additionally, there have been a few personnel changes during our break. One of our editors-in-chief, Sarah Melton, has stepped down; she has been a valued and supportive member of our team since 2017, first as a Review editor and then as an editor-in-chief. We will miss Sarah and are grateful for all of her contributions to dh+lib.

We also welcome two additions to the Review editorial team: Hillary Richardson and Rachel Starry. Both Hillary and Rachel have jumped right in to help us refresh the reviews process and we are delighted to have them on board.

We are looking to add to our team of Review editors!

Review editors take an active role in shaping the content that appears in the dh+lib Review, as well as contributing to strategic discussions about our workflows and future directions for the publication. Responsibilities include working on rotation to manage the biweekly production effort (selecting items from nominated content, authoring/publishing posts) and, when not on duty as shift editor, providing occasional editorial support with the other editors. Due to our editorial calendar, most of this activity takes place on Wednesday evenings/Thursday mornings, and Review editors often collaborate informally and have infrequent editorial meetings throughout each semester.

Each editorial appointment will be for a term of two years with options for renewal. We anticipate new editors will be trained during the fall and most likely begin Review shifts in January 2023.

Candidates should submit a letter (no more than 300 words) expressing their interest and any relevant experience to dhandlib.acrl@gmail.com by September 23, 2022 for consideration.

ANNOUNCEMENT: We’re Going On Hiatus

Dear friends,

In light of library closures and disruptions brought on by the COVID-19 pandemic, we are suspending publication of dh+lib Review for the next couple of weeks. This will allow our community of editors-at-large and editorial staff to free up some mental bandwidth as we refocus and transition professionally and personally.

We will be in touch with our editors-at-large as things progress, and this post will be updated on April 7th with any additional changes to our publication schedule.

Be well,
dh+lib Review editors

Editorial Opportunities with dh+lib

dh+lib is looking for four new editors to join our editorial team:

Technical Editor
The Technical Editor will be responsible for maintaining the dh+lib website (which currently runs on WordPress and is hosted by ACRL) and working with ACRL to manage any problems that might arise. The person in this position would also take the lead assessing the current platform to ensure that it best meets our needs. Candidates should be able to commit 3-5 hours/week; have experience working with WordPress and WordPress plugins, ideally with PressForward; and have a strong interest in digital publishing.

Outreach Editor
The Outreach Editor will be responsible for maintaining relationships with professional organizations related to the mission of dh+lib, including the ACRL Digital Scholarship Section and the Alliance of Digital Humanities Organizations, and initiating new relationships that can help dh+lib reach out to new communities and help us grow. This editor would also have the opportunity to manage the dh+lib  Twitter account. Candidates should be able to commit 3-5 hours/week; be a member of an organization related to the mission of dh+lib (such as ACRL or ADHO); and have a strong interest in digital publishing.

As both of the above editorial positions are new, the people in these positions would help define their roles. Additionally, all members of the editorial team help with article submissions and would be involved with other content decisions.

Review Editor (2 positions)
Review editors take an active role in shaping the content that appears in the dh+lib Review, as well as contributing to strategic discussions about our workflows and future directions for the publication. Responsibilities of this role include working on rotation to either manage the week’s production effort (selecting items from nominated content, authoring/publishing posts) or provide editorial support suggestions on another editor’s week. Due to our editorial calendar, most of this activity takes place on Wednesday evenings/Thursday mornings, and Review editors often collaborate informally and have infrequent editorial meetings throughout each semester.

Each editorial appointment will be for a term of two years with options for renewal.

Candidates should submit a letter expressing their interest and their qualifications to dhandlib.acrl@gmail.com by November 7 for consideration.

ANNOUNCEMENT: Digital Humanities Awards 2016

The Nominations Committee for the Digital Humanities Awards has announced the results for 2016.

Over 1700 ballots were submitted this year, for categories such as “Best Use of DH for Fun” and “Best DH Tool or Suite of Tools.” Among the winners were: