RESOURCE: New and Improv(ing) Digitization Cost Calculator

Joyce Chapman (Duke University) and Genya O’Gara (Virtual Library of Virginia) contributed an update about the Digitization Cost Calculator developed by the Digital Library Federation Assessment Interest Group (DLF AIG) in the March/April Edition of D-Lib Magazine. 

The purpose of the Calculator is to support institutions in estimating the costs of digitization projects before they are launched — helping them to more accurately predict the resources needed for a given project. The original beta version relied on relatively few data contributions to produce a proof of concept tool that highlighted how average estimates of costs and time could be found for various aspects of the digitization process.

The group seeks data from libraries to improve the project. The authors provide instructions about how to submit data here. 


Caro Pinto

Librarian & Instructional Technology Liaison
Mount Holyoke College