The Association of Research Libraries (ARL) has published “Research Libraries Guiding Principals for Artificial Intelligence,” a brief values-statement on the use of AI in their policy advocacy and engagement. From the background statement:
Articulating a set of research library guiding principles for AI is useful to influence policy and advocate for the responsible development and deployment of AI technologies, promote ethical and transparent practices, and build trust among stakeholders, within research libraries as well as across the research environment. These principles will serve as a foundational framework for the ethical and transparent use of AI and reflect the values we hold in research libraries. ARL will rely on these principles in our policy advocacy and engagement.
The document, available via html or pdf download, consists of 7 guiding principles, from “Libraries democratize access to AI tools and technology to foster digital literacy among all people,” to “Libraries negotiate to preserve the scholarly use of digital information.” The document contains linked references to additional resources on AI in research libraries.
dh+lib Review
This post was produced through a cooperation between Elizabeth Parke, Christine Salek, Kayla Abner, Abbie Norris-Davidson, Amy Gay, Olivia Staciwa, and Ruth Carpenter (Editors-at-Large), Hillary Richardson and Linsey Ford (Editors for the week), Claudia Berger, Nickoal Eichmann-Kalwara, Rachel Starry, and Pamella Lach (dh+lib Review Editors), and John Russell (Editor in Chief).