CFP: Advancing Research Communication & Scholarship

Proposals are being accepted for the Advancing Research Communication & Scholarship conference, to be held April 26-28, 2015, in Philadelphia. This new conference seeks to “bring together librarians, scholars, scientists, technologists, publishers, and funders to examine the practices, technologies, roles, and economics that drive scholarly communication in the digital age.” Session types include:

Round Table (Deadline: November 7, 2014)
A Round Table is a 90 minute, moderated panel session organized to address a pressing question, issue, or theme. Round Tables are the core session format at ARCS. While a confirmed list of speakers is not required at this time, submissions should include a description of the topic you want to address, why, and how you will design the panel.

Deep Dive (Deadline: November 7, 2014)
A Deep Dive is a course that offers an in-depth exploration of a skill or topic with a knowledgeable instructor. Deep Dive sessions may vary in length, but should be no shorter than 3 hours. ARCS encourages proposals from both potential teachers and students. We will seek out experienced instructors to address suggested topics.

24 X 7 Talk (Open until slots are filled)
A 7 minute presentation with a maximum of 24 slides. Submissions with be grouped thematically and scheduled in blocks, followed by a moderated discussion session. 24 x 7 Talks are an ideal format for sharing new research, projects, and ideas. Inspired by Open Repositories 2014, the blocks will provide a survey of activities and developments across organizations and disciplines.

Poster (No deadline)
Posters provide an opportunity to share new developments and works in progress. Poster presenters will have the option to give a 90 second pitch during the poster reception.

Early bird registration rates are available through November 21, 2014.

dh+lib Review

This post was produced through a cooperation between Kristina De Voe, Eleanor Goldberg, Joe Grobelny, Jan Lampaert, Jennifer Millen, Chris Ruotolo, Beth Russell (Editors-at-large for the week), Zach Coble (Editor for the week), Sarah Potvin (Site Editor), and Caro Pinto and Roxanne Shirazi (dh+lib Review Editors).