CFP: IMLS National Leadership Grants for Libraries

The Institute of Museum and Library Services (IMLS) is accepting preliminary proposals for National Leadership Grants for Libraries (NLG-Libraries). The IMLS is offering informational webinars for groups interested in learning more about the application process; webinars will be held August 20 at 3:00pm and September 16 at 3:00pm ET. The three strategic priorities of the grant are: national digital platform, learning spaces in libraries, and STEM learning in libraries.

Additional details about the grants are available on the NLG-Libraries page. Preliminary proposals are due on October 13, 2014.

dh+lib Review

This post was produced through a cooperation between Jacqueline Whyte Appleby, Ryan Clement, Nickoal Eichmann, Joe Grobelny, Jan Lampaert, Anu Paul, Sarah Severson, Rebecca Stuhr, Amy Wickner, Anna-Sophia Zingarelli-Sweet (Editors-at-large for the week), Zach Coble (Editor for the week), Sarah Potvin (Site Editor), and Roxanne Shirazi and Caro Pinto (dh+lib Review Editors).