RESOURCE: MLA Commons, The Early Modern Digital Collaboratory

A new public group, EMDC: The Early Modern Digital Collaboratory, has launched on MLA Commons. Billed as “a venue for digital humanists studying early modern texts and culture (roughly 1450-1700), principally in the English language,” the EMDC “fulfills an idea that circulated at MLA 2013: what if early modernists using digital humanities tools and methods ...

Pushing the Boundaries: DH and Libraries at MLA13

Boston, Masssachussetts – cathedral by diggin90650, on Flickr Amanda Rust (English + Theatre Librarian at Northeastern University Libraries) writes here about her experience at MLA13, demonstrating the value of librarians venturing to conferences beyond our professional borders. Amanda also attended the THATCamp MLA unconference; her reflections on that are here. It is, of course, impossible ...

Reflections on THATCamp MLA 2013

In this post, Amanda Rust (English + Theatre Librarian at Northeastern University Libraries) shares her notes and reflections from THATCamp MLA, and offers advice for those considering THATCamp attendance. THATCamp MLA, held in Boston on January 2, 2013, just before the annual MLA Convention, had a rich selection of session proposals (the final schedule is here). While I’ll report ...