POST: Alternate Futures, Usable Pasts

Bethany Nowviskie posted the text of the talk she gave at the Marquette University Digital Scholarship Symposium in September, 2016 where she explores “the temporal orientation of the next generation of digital libraries and digital scholarly projects.” Citing Jarrett Drake’s essay “#Archives for Black Lives: Building Community Archives of Police Violence in Cleveland,” Nowviskie asks, “can we ...

Reflections on THATCamp MLA 2013

In this post, Amanda Rust (English + Theatre Librarian at Northeastern University Libraries) shares her notes and reflections from THATCamp MLA, and offers advice for those considering THATCamp attendance. THATCamp MLA, held in Boston on January 2, 2013, just before the annual MLA Convention, had a rich selection of session proposals (the final schedule is here). While I’ll report ...