POST: Emerging Careers in Librarianship: Digital Humanities Librarian 1

Hack Library School takes a look at the Digital Humanities Librarian as part of their Emerging Careers in Librarianship series. In a post by Amy Frazier, Lindsay Skay Whitacre, Assistant Digital Collections Librarian at Boston College, shares her experience on how she came to DH, what skills she needs to do DH as a librarian, and offers advice to those interested in getting involved.

She writes of libraries as part of a three-legged stool of DH that also includes programmers and scholars:

Digital Humanities and libraries work hand in hand. Think of it like a three legged stool:  one leg is the programmers (those creating the tools), one leg is the scholars (those using the tools) and one leg is the Library and Digital Repository (where the scholars are getting their information to use the tools.) The library is a bit of a changing landscape right now, especially as more materials are being born digital. Remember, though, digitizing something is not the same as digital humanities. You need to use that digital material as a jumping off point to create something new.


This post was produced through a cooperation between Heather Martin, Chella Vaidyanathan, Arianne Hartsell-Gundy (Editors-at-Large for the week), Zach Coble (Editor for the week), and Roxanne Shirazi and Sarah Potvin (site editors).

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