Building a dh+lib Community with a Global Outlook

“How can we move beyond a monolingual DH, and promote exchange of works among linguistic communities? And how can we ensure this exchange is ongoing and sustainable?” dh+lib has long been interested in tackling these issues for our community of practice. The 2016 Digital Humanities conference will offer an opportunity to design and test an approach: attendees ...

dh+lib/HASTAC Meetup at DHSI 2016

**update** dh+lib and HASTAC both planned meetups for Wednesday at Smugglers’ Cover, so we’re joining forces for a joint dh+lib/HASTAC Meetup! Note the time is now 6:00-8:00. All are welcome! Attending the Digital Humanities Summer Institute and interested in how libraries, archives, and museums contribute to the “teaching, research, dissemination, creation, and preservation” of the digital ...

POST: Lessons Learned from “Bridging the Gap: Women, Code, and the Digital Humanities”

Celeste Sharpe and Jeri Wieringa (George Mason University) have written a post on the Association for Computers and the Humanities blog about their experience with DH Bridge, “an open curriculum and workshop framework for teaching computational thinking in the context of the humanities.” Taking a cue from Rails Bridge and Rails Girls, the project: set ...

CFP: Journal of the Text Encoding Initiative

The Journal of the Text Encoding Initiative is accepting submissions for a special issue on TEI and Materiality. Submissions are accepted in two categories: “research articles of 5,000 to 7,000 words and shorter articles reflecting new research or new tools/services of 2000-4000 words.” jTEI is a peer-reviewed, open access publication. Potential topics include: Conceptual and ...

OPPORTUNITY: DLF Forum Fellowships and Travel Applications

In an effort to bring new voices and perspectives to its annual conference, the Digital Library Federation (DLF) is offering several fellowships and travel awards. The DLF Forum will be held October 26-28, 2015, in Vancouver, British Columbia. The fellowships and awards include: ARL + DLF Forum Fellowships for Underrepresented Groups DLF Forum Fellowships for ...

RESOURCE: Digital Humanities in the Library: Challenges and Opportunities for Subject Specialists

Digital Humanities in the Library: Challenges and Opportunities for Subject Specialists, a new book edited by Arianne Hartsell-Gundy, Laura Braunstein, and Liorah Golomb is available from the American Library Assocation. The book, published in collaboration with the ACRL Literatures in English Section, features a “collection of essays focusing on the role of the subject specialist in ...

RESOURCE: The Complete n00b’s Guide to Gephi

Brian Sarnacki (University of Nebraska, Lincoln) has created a tutorial for beginners interested in using the visualization tool Gephi (Mac users having trouble with Gephi should start here). Sarnacki provides a sample CSV file that lists bankers in Grand Rapids in 1902, and walks through the process of prepping data, importing the CSV file into Gephi, ...

CFP: Web Archives 2015: Capture, Curate, Analyze

Proposals are being accepted for Web Archives 2015: Capture, Curate, Analyze, to be held November 12-13, 2015, at the University of Michigan. Possible topics include: The role of libraries, archives and museums in building and sustaining curated web collections. Methods and tools for preserving and curating online materials. Resources and best practices to promote access ...

CFP: Digital Small-Scale Editions, 2016 Issue of Scholarly Editing

Scholarly Editing: The Annual of the Association for Documentary Editing is accepting proposals for its 2016 issue from individuals interested in editing a small-scale digital edition, which will be peer reviewed and open access. We believe that many scholars have discovered fascinating texts that deserve to be carefully edited and published, and we offer a ...

JOB: Digital Scholarship Librarian, Dartmouth College

From the position description: Reporting to the Scholarly Communication, Copyright and Publishing Program Director, the Digital Scholarship Librarian provides expertise, information management, technical and organizational skills to the realization of the Library’s Scholarly Communication Program’s strategic goals and initiatives in a highly collaborative environment. The successful candidate will coordinate and implement programs that provide the ...

CFP: PKP Scholarly Publishing Conference

The Public Knowledge Project (PKP) is accepting proposals for its annual Scholarly Publishing Conference, to be held August 11-14, 2015 in Vancouver. Suggested topics include: Roles for next generation scholars, researchers, and librarians; Community connections and partnerships among scholarly journals, the digital humanities, and libraries; Open education and open learning; New reading and publishing technologies, e.g., ...