POST: Fight for the Future Statement on Libraries’ Digital Rights

Fight for the Future, a group of artists, engineers, activists, and technologists, published a statement about the ongoing lawsuit against the Internet Archive’s digital library. Oral arguments are scheduled for March 20, 2023 in this suit brought by four major publishers. The post quotes Lia Holland (they/she), Campaigns and Communications Director at Fight for the Future: ...

POST: Using Data to Discover and Explore the Stories of Enslaved People

JSTOR Daily recently published a blogpost, “Using Data to Discover and Explore the Stories of Enslaved People.” Written by Daryle Williams (Professor of History and serves as Dean of the College of Humanities, Arts, and Social Sciences (CHASS) at the University of California, Riverside) and Kristina E. Poznan (Clinical Assistant Professor of History at the ...

POST: DSC #18: The Data-Sitters’ HathiTrust Mistake

In the latest issue of the Data Sitters Club, “The Data-Sitters’ HathiTrust Mistake,” Cadence Cordell, Quinn Dombrowski, and Glen Layne-Worthey, reflect on their history and experiences with using the HathiTrust Digital Library and offer instructions on using the HathiTrust Research Center’s tools for creating and analyzing text corpora. This is an equally entertaining and instructive ...

POST: Accelerating Standards for 3D Data to Improve Long-Term Usability

Writing for the Association of Research Libraries, Cynthia Hudson-Vitale (Penn State) shared details of the Community Standards for 3D Preservation (CS3DP) Initiative. Developed in response to the growth of 3D technologies, including 3D modeling and virtual reality, CS3DP “aims to be an open, radically inclusive, and collaborative community invested in creating standards. Composed of working ...

POST: The #DLFteach Toolkit: Participatory Mapping In a Pandemic

As part of Practitioner Perspectives: Developing, Adapting, and Contextualizing the #DLFteach Toolkit, a blog series from DLF’s Digital Library Pedagogy group highlighting the experiences of digital librarians and archivists who utilize the #DLFteach Toolkit and are new to teaching and/or digital tools, Jeanine Finn (Claremont Colleges Library) has authored a post on “Participatory Mapping In ...

POST: Why Open Access definitions are confusing

Aaron Tay (Singapore Management University) has authored a post, “Why Open Access definitions are confusing,” on his blog. Tay lays out areas of Open Access (OA) that he has found confusing personally, in the hopes of elucidating others: Rather, as open access categories start to get more nuanced and granular, our attempts to force open ...

POST: Stay “in the loop” with LC Labs experiment combining crowdsourcing and machine learning

Eileen Jakeway (Library of Congress) has authored a post for Library of Congress’ The Signal blog, on the “Humans in the Loop” experiment run by LC Labs. Jakeway’s post, “Stay ‘in the loop’ with LC Labs experiment combining crowdsourcing and machine learning,” covers the recent history of LC’s involvement with and experiments in “responsibly combin[ing] ...

POST: What is Metadata Assessment?

Hannah Tarver (University of North Texas) and Steven Gentry (University of Michigan), who are members of the Digital Library Assessment Interest Group’s Metadata Assessment Working Group (DLF AIG MWG), have written an overview of metadata assessment in digital libraries, and its importance and benefits for the DLF blog. In “What is Metadata Assessment?,” they posit ...

POST: The User Experience of Logging In: An Introduction

Stephen Francoeur (CUNY Baruch College) has written a blog post, “The User Experience of Logging In: An Introduction” that categorizes “the places where problems arise” in user experience in logging into academic library resources. Francoeur details four areas of UX: “the status of the user, the user’s device, the library’s systems and resources, and a vendor’s ...

POST: Research Libraries, Emerging Technologies—and a Pandemic

Scout Calvert (Michigan State University) has published “Research Libraries, Emerging Technologies—and a Pandemic,” on EDUCAUSE Review. Calvert offers advice for libraries in the midst of the pandemic while reflecting on the Association of Research Libraries (ARL), the Coalition for Networked Information (CNI), and EDUCAUSE partnership on “how research libraries can leverage emerging technologies to meaningfully ...

POST: On COVID-19, research libraries, and … turtles

Brian Lavoie (OCLC) recently published a post on OCLC Research’s blog, Hanging Together: “On COVID-19, research libraries, and … turtles.” Lavoie’s post summarizes recent  OCLC Research Library Partnership (RLP) Research Support Interest Group online sessions, with conversations focusing on “how completely the university research enterprise ground to a halt” and how this affected research libraries, their services, ...