POST: Possibilities for Digital Humanities at Community Colleges

Lisa Spiro (executive director of Digital Scholarship Services at Rice University’s Fondren Library) has posted the slides of a recent talk delivered at Houston Community College’s Spring 2019 English & Humanities Colloquium on “The Digital Classroom: Humanities, Literature & Composition.” “Possibilities for Digital Humanities at Community Colleges,” built on Dr. Anne McGrail’s work on DH and community ...

POST: Toward Adversary Anthropologies, or, How to Build Your Own Revolutionary Infrastructure

In a recent article in Cultural Anthropology, Marcel LaFlamme (University of Washington) and Dominic Boyer (Rice University) argue that open access publishing has the potential to facilitate a more revolutionary anthropology, despite the discipline’s reluctance to embrace the movement: Yet the open-access movement has never really caught fire in anthropology beyond a fervent corps of ...

POST: Building Digital Content Management Capacity with Library Carpentry

In a post at The Signal, Jesse A. Johnston (Library of Congress) reported on a Library Carpentry event held at the Library of Congress as a follow up to their 2017 Software Carpentry workshop. The range of experiences, collections responsibilities, and technical know-how made for a lively learning environment, which was perfect for The Carpentries learner-focused ...

POST: The Uncanny Valley and the Ghost in the Machine: a discussion of analogies for thinking about digitized medieval manuscripts

Dot Porter (University of Pennsylvania) has published the text of talk she presented at the University of Kansas Digital Humanities Seminar in September. “The Uncanny Valley and the Ghost in the Machine: a discussion of analogies for thinking about digitized medieval manuscripts” presents a series of ruminations on digitized books: they’re not the original, but what ...

POST: Creating metadata for equity, diversity, and inclusion

Karen Smith-Yoshimura (OCLC) has authored a post on Hanging Together, OCLC Research’s blog. Smith-Yoshimura’s post, “Creating metadata for equity, diversity, and inclusion,” focuses on a recent discussion of OCLC’s focus group of metadata managers on equity, diversity, and inclusion (EDI). The focus group delved into some findings from OCLC Research’s report on the 2017 Research Library ...

POST: Digital Humanities and Undergraduate Library Instruction

Rebecca Bliquez (Seattle University) has published an article (.pdf) in the ACRL Instruction Section Instructional Technologies Committee’s Tips and Trends. Bliquez outlines some common ways digital humanities tools and methods can be integrated into undergraduate classrooms, such as digital exhibition creation, Wikipedia editing, digital mapping, and text analysis. Bliquez concludes: Given the challenges of engagement ...

POST: Explore, Transcribe and Tag at!

In a recent post, Lauren Algee (Library of Congress) highlights the Library of Congress’s new crowdsourcing platform, invites the public to volunteer to transcribe (type) and tag with keywords digitized images of text materials from the Library’s collections. Volunteers will journey through history first-hand and help the Library while gaining new skills – ...

POST: Open Access: The View from Latin America

Emma Clarke (Peter Lang Publishers) has contributed a post on the International Open Access Week website discussing the adoption of open access (OA) publishing in Latin America. She notes that, The popularity of OA in Latin America is soaring. Scholars in the region understand the importance of making their research accessible to all, especially since ...

POST: Hyperlocal Histories and Digital Collections

Jim McGrath (Brown University) has posted an extended version of a talk he gave at the 2018 Digital Library Federation Forum to his website. The talk, entitled “Hyperlocal Histories and Digital Collections,” examines collecting, curating, and preserving local history in conjunction with digital projects. McGrath opens by describing how he became attached to the term ...

POST: Twitterature: Mining Twitter Data

Christian Howard (University of Virginia) details her work on using Twitter for literary research in a recent blog post. With her collaborator Alyssa Collins, Howard uses Python to scrape and visualize Twitter data about the usage of the term #twitterature. #twitterature became an increasingly global term between 2011 and 2017, with a noticeable contraction in ...

POST: Congress Renews $5 Million Open Textbook Pilot For Second Year

In a blog post for the Scholarly Publishing and Academic Resources Coalition (SPARC), SPARC Director of Open Education Nicole Allen outlines the extension of the Open Textbook Pilot, first established in March 2018. The bill, which will likely be signed into law in the next few days, provides “grants to colleges and universities to expand ...