POST: Emerging Careers in Librarianship: Digital Humanities Librarian

Hack Library School takes a look at the Digital Humanities Librarian as part of their Emerging Careers in Librarianship series. In a post by Amy Frazier, Lindsay Skay Whitacre, Assistant Digital Collections Librarian at Boston College, shares her experience on how she came to DH, what skills she needs to do DH as a librarian, and ...


The White House, responding to a We the People petition from May 2012, announced Friday that federal agencies with more than $100 million in research will make federally funded research and data sets freely available to the public within 12 months of publication. The Fair Access to Science and Technology Research Act (FASTR), which contains ...

DIGITAL PROJECT: Lincoln Logarithms: Finding Meaning in Sermons

Lincoln Logarithms, a new project from the Digital Scholarship Commons at Emory University, uses four text analysis tools, MALLET, Voyant, Paper Machines, and Viewshare, to examine 57 full text sermons given on the occasion of Lincoln’s assassination. Interesting enough in its own right, the project also explicitly addresses some the major obstacles in DH projects: ...


Last week we mentioned the Boston DH Consortium’s new site. Since then, local DH groups have popped up in NYC and Chicago. Here’s our running list, let us know if we’ve missed your town. New York City: Chicago:!forum/chicago-dh Philadelphia:!forum/phillydigitalhumanities Washington DC: Boston: Southern California:   This post was produced ...

RESOURCE: Linking Things on the Web: A Pragmatic Examination of Linked Data for Libraries, Archives and Museums

A new paper by Ed Summers (Library of Congress) on linked data for cultural heritage organizations. Here’s the abstract: The Web publishing paradigm of Linked Data has been gaining traction in the cultural heritage sector: libraries, archives and museums. At first glance, the principles of Linked Data seem simple enough. However experienced Web developers, designers ...

CFP: ACRL Preconferences at 2014 ALA Annual Conference

ACRL is looking for applications for half-day or full-day preconferences for the 2014 ALA Annual Conference in Las Vegas, Nevada. ACRL is looking for programs that focus on interactive learning using a variety of presentation styles and offer practical tips. Deadline is March 27, 2013. Who’s doing the session on DH and libraries? This post ...

POST: Born Digital Folklore and the Vernacular Web: An Interview with Robert Glenn Howard

This interview of Robert Glenn Howard (University of Wisconsin) by Trevor Owens (Library of Congress) offers a helpful introduction to the topic of born-digital folklore. Howard defines folklore as “the informally shared knowledge that we perceive as connecting us to each other,” and the two examine how this engagement has changed in a networked world. ...

CFP: Composing In/With/Through Archives: An Open-Access, Born Digital Edited Collection

The Cultural Heritage Informatics Initiative at Michigan State University invites essays (8000 words) and case studies (3000 words) for a digital, OA edition that will examine, among other topics: How are we theorizing digital archives? How are we drawing from the work of digital archivists as we build our own archives and conduct digital archival ...

CFP: Day of DH 2013

Day of DH 2013 is April 8. The project brings together scholars interested in the digital humanities from around the world to document what they do on one day, answering the question, “Just what do digital humanists really do?” We’d love to see a strong turnout from librarians! The process is simple: before April 8, ...

OPPORTUNITY: NEH Advanced Topics in the Digital Humanities Summer Institute

The year’s summer institute, June 17 – July 6 in Jonesboro and Fayetteville, Arkansas, will address the issues surrounding the: “academic use of game engines, including the balance of immersion with accuracy, strategies for storytelling and graphical user interfaces (GUIs) in ‘serious’ games, and questions of power and appropriateness in using video game conventions to ...

JOB: National Digital Stewardship Resident (Library of Congress)

Zach CobleDigital Scholarship Specialist, New York UniversityWeb | Twitter | More Posts