POST: Learning By Doing: Labs As Pedagogy

Cameron Blevins writes here about the challenges of teaching digital methods in a history classroom. Some of the experiences might ring true with librarians tasked with teaching information literacy, such as this: My first lab, for instance, spelled out instructions in excruciating detail. Unfortunately, this led to exactly the kind of passive learning I wanted ...

RESOURCE: Digital Literacy and Digital Citizenship

Elijah Meeks (Digital Humanities Specialist, Stanford University Libraries) has shared notes from his presentation on the digital humanities to the Bay Area Teacher Development Collaborative, in which he makes a case for its importance at the high school level. The talk not only gives a useful introduction to key tools and projects in GIS, text ...

RESOURCE: National Digital Stewardship Alliance Glossary

Checksum? Bagger? Ingest? The National Digital Stewardship Alliance has released a glossary of digital stewardship terms. NDSA members have been working on a “Levels of Digital Preservation” activity to provide basic digital preservation guidance on how an organization should prioritize its resource allocation. This glossary provides a common language for NDSA members to communicate about the levels work ...

RESOURCE: Omeka 2.0 Released

There is a new version of Omeka – the free, flexible, and open source web-publishing platform for the display of library, museum, archives, and scholarly collections and exhibitions. Updates in Omeka 2.0 include a revamped admin interface, improved search functionality for users, a simpler custom site navigation, and updates to many of the plugins. dh+lib ...

RESOURCE: Sustaining Our Digital Future: Institutional Strategies for Digital Content

JISC and Ithaka S+R have released a report investigating how digital projects can thrive. “Sustaining Our Digital Future: Institutional Strategies for Digital Content” features case studies of three different types of cultural institutions in the UK that have been successful – University College London, the Imperial War Museums and the National Library of Wales. The ...

RECOMMENDED: Digital Humanities in Libraries: New Models For Scholarly Engagement

In January, the Journal of Library Administration published a special issue devoted entirely to DH in libraries. Digital Humanities in Libraries: New Models for Scholarly Engagement features six articles that address both the theoretical and practical aspects of how libraries and librarians can engage in DH work. The issue was guest edited by Barbara Rockenbach, Director ...

JOBS: Head, Digital Research and Publishing, University of Iowa Library

JOBS: Digitization and Preservation Librarian, McGill University

CFP: Digital Frontiers 2013

The University of North Texas Digital Scholarship Co-Operative invites proposals for Digital Frontiers 2013 (September 19-21), a conference that brings together the users and builders of digital resources for research and education. They seek submissions of individual papers, fully-constituted panels, birds-of-a-feather discussions, hands-on tutorials, or posters–all based on the use of digital archives, social media, ...

POST: When is Open Source Software the Right Choice for Cultural Heritage Organizations?

POST: When is Open Source Software the Right Choice for Cultural Heritage Organizations? An Interview with Peter Murray An interview by Trevor Owens of the Library of Congress with Peter Murray of LYRSASIS on FOSS4Lib. The two discuss how libraries can decide whether open source software the right solution, different types of open source software ...

CFParticipation: Global Outlook::Digital Humanities

CFParticipation: Global Outlook::Digital Humanities Global Outlook::Digital Humanities is the first Special Interest Group of the Alliance of Digital Humanities Organizations (ADHO). GO::DH seeks to address barriers that hinder communication and collaboration among researchers and students of the digital arts, humanities, and cultural heritage sectors across and between high, mid, and low income economies. The core ...