RECOMMENDED: Ithaka S&R Brief: “Are the Humanities Ready for Data Sharing?”

An issue brief from Ithaka S+R, “Are the Humanities Ready for Data Sharing?” reports on the paucity of data sharing practices in the humanities, on the heels of the “Nelson Memo,” which states that publicly funded publications (including those with NEH funds) must to deposit their datasets into publicly accessible repositories. The brief introduces the ...

RECOMMENDED: “DH Eh? A Survey of Digital Humanities Courses in Canadian LIS Education”

Marcela Y. Isuster (McGill University) and Donna Langille (University of British Columbia – Okanagan) analyzed course offerings in eight Library and Information Science Programs in Canadian Universities in the March 2023 Issue of College and Research Libraries. Their article finds that “[w]all institutions offer at least a few elective courses on data management topics such ...

RESOURCE: 23 Linked Data Things

23 Linked Data Things is a resource developed by Minitex, a collaboration between the Minnesota Office of Higher Education and the University of Minnesota Libraries. It is a self-paced program, with each “thing” (from “Defining Linked Data” to “SPARQL Basics” to “Ethics of Linked Data”) containing readings, activities, and the option for a certificate of ...

EVENT: Toward Radical Imagination: HBCUs, Digital Libraries, and Authentic Collaboration

The Authenticity Project, an initiative from the Digital Library Federation, is hosting a two-day virtual event on April 6-7, 2023, from 11:00 am – 4:30 pm EST. Featured speakers include Loretta Parham, CEO and Library Director of the AUC-Robert W. Woodruff Library, and Lopez Matthews, Jr., the State Archivist and Public Records Administrator of the ...

EVENT: Lightning Talks, DH Open Office Hours Series from Northeastern University

On March 15th at 12:00 pm EST, the Digital Scholarship Group and NULab for Texts, Maps, and Networks at Northeastern University is hosting a free, virtual series of lightning talks, featuring 5 panelists in different disciplines and the projects and research they’ve conducted. From the event page: This year’s virtual event will feature lightning talks ...

EVENT: New Horizons in AI and Machine Learning for Libraries and Archives

An online workshop on the applications of AI and machine learning technologies will be March 24, 2023 at 1:00 pm – 5:30 pm UK time (or 8:00 am EST – 12:30 pm EST), hosted by the AEOLIAN network and the University of Glasgow. The workshop will host several guest speakers, who will discuss their implementations ...

JOB: Digital Scholarship Librarian, Boston College

From the announcement: The Digital Scholarship Librarian is responsible for facilitating and supporting faculty and student digital research projects, ranging from short and long-term consultations (e.g., helping to identify appropriate methods, tools, and training resources) to more intensive, hands-on assistance with technology, project design, and project management. For faculty, they offer a range of teaching ...

OPPORTUNITY: CLIR Invites Applications for Digitizing At-Risk Audio and Audiovisual Materials

The Council on Library & Information Resources (CLIR) is accepting applications for the Recordings at Risk program, which “support[s] the preservation of rare and unique audio, audiovisual, and other time-based media of high scholarly value.” Applications for between $10,000 and $50,000 to digitally reformat projects will be accepted through April 19th, be announced in August, ...

OPPORTUNITY: Art Resources on the Web Workshop

“Art Resources on the Web: Introduction to Web Archive Data Analysis and Instruction,” scheduled for April 18, 2023 as a part of the ARLIS/NA 2023 Annual Conference in Mexico City, Mexico, will introduce participants to archiving and analyzing web-based art collections. Other sessions include learning more about how digital art can be a worthwhile and ...

OPPORTUNITY: Code4Lib Call for Editors

The Code4Lib Journal, which publishes two issues a year aiming to “foster community and share information among those interested in the intersection of libraries, technology, and the future,” is looking for editorial committee members to commit around 10 hours per month toward collaborative submission reading and editing. Other duties include formatting text, images, figures, etc. ...

JOB: Instruction and Research Librarian, William and Mary

This is a Research and Instruction Librarian position with a focus on digital humanities and the arts. From the announcement: William & Mary Libraries is seeking a creative, collaborative, and proactive Instruction & Research Librarian with a focus on digital humanities and the arts. Reporting to the Head of Research and a member of the ...