EVENT: MSU Global Digital Humanities Symposium

Sponsored by Michigan State University and H-net, the 9th annual GlobalDH Symposium will have virtual proceedings March 18-20 and in-person events March 22-23. Keynote speakers are Rachel Adams, Sara Morais do Santos Bruss, Alex Gil, and Bill Hart-Davidson, and talks will highlight intersections of AI, DH, and inequalities.  The full program for both the online ...


The TORCHLITE project is hosting a hackathon May 21-23, 2024 in Champaign, Illinois for researchers and programmers interested in text analysis and data mining/visualization using HathiTrust Research Center tools. The hackathon deliverables include data visualizations, Jupyter notebooks, applications, and creative uses for its new tools. Participants who are selected to attend will receive up to ...

JOB: Educational Technologies Librarian (University of Virginia)

From the posting: The University of Virginia is seeking applications for the position of Educational Technologies Librarian. This position will join a team responsible for the creation and delivery of instructional programming that develops students’ digital literacy and maker mindsets. The successful candidate will develop and deliver media production classes and workshops; create asynchronous teaching and training materials; assess curricular needs for audio visual ...

JOB: Open Publishing Coordinator (Virginia Tech)

From the posting: The University Libraries at Virginia Tech has a full-time Open Publishing Coordinator position available. Virginia Tech Publishing launched in 2017 and currently publishes open access books, journals, digital scholarship, and audiovisual media. Reporting to the Publishing Director, the Open Publishing Coordinator will manage book publishing projects, consult with researchers on campus, and ...

RECOMMENDED: On Making in the Digital Humanities

UCL Press has published an open-access volume focusing on DH’s processes as “making.” On Making in the Digital Humanities: The scholarship of digital humanities development in honour of John Bradley is an homage to John Bradley’s work in DH and “assembles a group of well-known, experienced and emerging scholars in the digital humanities to reflect ...

RECOMMENDED: Finding the Right Platform

“Finding the Right Platform,” by Cheryl E. Ball, Corinne Guimont, and Matt Vaughn compares purposes and features of 10 different academy-owned, open-source publishing platforms, including Fulcrum, Humanities Commons, Janeway, Manifold, Mukrtu, Omeka, Open Journal Systems (OJS), Pressbooks, PubPub, and Scalar. The piece is meant to help researchers, publishers, and librarians answer questions about their projects ...

CFP: Digital Commonwealth 18th Annual Conference

From the call: The Digital Commonwealth’s 18th Annual Conference will be held online via Zoom on Tuesday April 30, 2024 from 9:00 AM to 4:00 PM US East Coast Time. Digital Commonwealth’s Conference Committee invites interested speakers to submit abstracts of 1 page or less in length for presentations centered around the theme: Building Connections: ...

JOB: Digital Scholarship Coordinator, Illinois State University

From the posting: The Digital Scholarship Coordinator is responsible for facilitating and supporting faculty and student digital research projects, ranging from short and long-term consultations (e.g., helping to identify appropriate methods, tools, and training resources) to more intensive, hands-on assistance with technology, project design, and project management. For faculty, they offer a range of teaching ...

JOB: Natural Language Processing Specialist, University of Florida

From the posting: The University of Florida, in Gainesville, Florida is seeking a Natural Language Processing Specialist / Assistant University Librarian for the Department of Academic Research Consulting and Services (ARCS). Duties and responsibilities include: Providing instruction (teaching), consultation, and project work in Natural Language Processing (NLP), text mining, predictive text, and related areas; Collaborating ...

JOB: Librarian/Archivist for Digital Programs, Harvard Radcliffe Institute

From the posting:  Reporting to the Head of Digital Collection and Services, the Librarian/Archivist for Digital Programs has shared responsibility for technical program management, digitization and the enabling of data integration across local and external data sources in the Digital Collections and Services unit. The Schlesinger Library contributes to one of the largest shares of ...

JOB: Institutional Repository Librarian, Montclair State University

From the posting: Reporting to the Associate Dean for Research, Teaching and Engagement, the Institutional Repository Librarian is responsible for managing Montclair State University’s institutional repository (IR) and related technologies. The Institutional Repository Librarian has primary responsibility for guiding the development of a successful system of tools to support and showcase Montclair scholarship and unique ...