CFP: Call for Papers on Digital Curation

Archival Science advertised a call for papers for their special issue on “Digital Curation” on the Humanist Listerv Digital curation involves the selection, maintenance, dissemination, 
preservation and adding value to digital assets. Examples of these 
activities include the development of repositories for digital 
resources, the creation and/or selection of digital assets; creation
and management of metadata; ...

POST: On the Likelihood of Academia “Taking Back” Scholarly Publishing

Rick Anderson of The Scholarly Kitchen outlines his thoughts on how the academy can “take back scholarly publishing.” He discusses the noncommercial entities in libraries and academic departments that have the means to disseminate works, support legislation against commercial interests in scholarly communication, and encourage mandates by funding agencies to make publications open access.Anderson refers ...

POST: Mismatch Between Graduates’ Information Skills and Employers’ Needs

Alison J. Head, Founder and Director of Project Information Literacy recounts her findings from an IMLS planning grant study about how recent college graduates “find and use information in the workplace.” While recent graduates are able to find “instant information” on Google, they often missed the “social side of research,” a skill employers value highly. ...

JOB: Reference & Digital Projects Resident, Swarthmore College

From the advertisement: “The Swarthmore College Libraries seek a creative, technically-grounded and visionary recent MLS/MLIS graduate or CLIR fellow for a Reference and Digital Projects Resident. The ideal candidate will display a strong commitment to and interest in research, instruction and digital scholarship.  The incumbent will report to the Head of Research and Instruction and ...

JOB: Digital Initiatives Librarian, Wright State University

From the advertisement: “To support the University Libraries’ scholarly communications, online publishing initiatives, and institutional repository. Minimum Qualifications Master’s degree in Library or Information Science (from an ALA accredited program) or related field, or equivalent combination of education and experience; effective interpersonal and written communication skills; knowledge of metadata standards, such as Dublin Core Preferred ...

JOB: Research Assistant Professor at the Roy Rosenzweig Center for History and New Media

The PressForward project at the Roy Rosenzweig Center for History and New Media (RRCHNM) now invites applications for a one-year position (with the possibility of renewal) at the rank of Research Assistant Professor. The successful candidate will work with the project directors to manage the publication of Digital Humanities Now and the Journal of Digital Humanities, as well ...

JOB: Digital Research Services for the Humanities, Case Western Reserve University

The Digital Research Services for the Humanities position manages a portfolio of digital scholarship services for this discipline.  (1) Digital services.  Consult and partner with faculty and student researchers to support their research data life cycles by providing expertise in the digital project development and management (including tools, software, and repository).  (2) Client Engagement.  Market ...


THATCamp CNHM 2013 took place at George Mason University last weekend and included a Maker Challenge, which resulted in some great tangibles. Some of the notable projects include: Publishing Contract Repository: “This site aims to enable honest negotiations between authors and publishers by sharing information about contracts. Authors are encouraged to contribute copies of their contracts and to ...

JOB: Research Associate, Digital Preservation, Kings College

From the description: “The post holder will work as a Research Associate on the EU FP7 project PERICLES (“Promoting and Enhancing Reuse of Information throughout the Content Lifecycle taking account of Evolving Semantics”), which was funded as part of the EU’s Digital Preservation program. The post holder will contribute to a range of the research ...

POST: When Are We Peers, When Are We Exploited? Rsp to NYT Op Ed by Jaron Lanier

Cathy Davidson responds to Jaron Lanier’s New York Times opinion article that talks about the social and economic inequities that have grown out of the Internet Revolution. Davidson reminds us of how important it is to be informed digital citizens so we can better understand the risks and rewards of participating in social media and ...

RESOURCE: Hacking the Academy

The University of Michigan Press and MPublishing have released a new title from the digitalculturebooks imprint, the second in the Digital Humanities series: Hacking the Academy: New Approaches to Scholarship and Teaching from Digital Humanities. Edited by Daniel J. Cohen and Tom Scheinfeldt, with contributions from myriad scholars, the volume explores emerging questions about the future of ...